A Fullstack web app using Python Django + React JS. Created to learn the full implementation of django and react to crate a Fullstack web app.
Programming languange :
- Python
- Javascript
Library & Framework :
- Django
- ReactJS
- ChakraUI
- Tailwind CSS
Clone this repository using
git clone https://github.com/azureeeeeeeeeeee/book-store.git
Go to the backend folder from root folder using
cd book_api
Create a virtual environment using
virtualenv env
Activate the virtual env (git bash) using
cd env
source Scripts/activate
Go back to root backend folder using
cd ..
Install all dependencies using
pip install -r requirements.txt
Migrate the database (SQLite) using
python manage.py makemigrations
python manage.py migrate
Create super user to access database using
python manage.py createsuperuser
Run the Django Server using
python manage.py runserver
Go to the frontend folder from root folder using
cd book-frontend
install all dependencies using
npm i
Run the frontend using
npm run dev
To access the web, go to
To access the backend (database & routes), go to
To access the database, use super user.
- Adding Search Feature
- Create a protected route
- Improving frontend design
- Cleaning the backend code
- Adding Google OAuth Authorization
- Create a constraint for a certain user profile's role
- Fixing the mock transaction system to be able to handle more than 1 transaction