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Releases: axelpale/genversion


08 Jan 23:34
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🎁 New features:

  • added option --backtick / useBackticks to generate with backticks instead of single quotes. Thanks @darylwright
  • added option --force to rewrite target file even when it might be unsafe. Thanks @alexandercerutti
  • added option --property / properties to pick additional properties from package.json. Thanks @dattran1999 and @alexandercerutti
  • added options --template / template and --template-engine / templateEngine to generate with a custom template.
  • added option --esm to alias --es6 flag that might be deprecated in future.
  • added option useEsmSyntax to alias useEs6Syntax that might be deprecated in future.

🐛 Bugfixes:

  • improved CLI exit behaviour to ensure all output is flushed before exit

📃 Documentation changes:

  • added instructions how to integrate with the npm version command. Thanks @sanjaypojo
  • improved genversion logo to work on dark backgrounds.
  • changed image file names to be more SEO friendly
  • improved documentation in general

⚙️ DevOps changes:

  • uninstalled unused dev dependencies: eslint, command-line-test
  • implemented in-house clitest module to replace command-line-test
  • lots of refactoring under the hood
  • extended test suite
  • switched from broken Travis CI to GitHub Actions


07 Apr 11:57
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  • Corrected signature and general improvements in documentation
  • Updated dev dependencies
  • Set up Travis CI
  • Tested to support Node v10 and later


05 Apr 23:31
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An almost-breaking change that is solved by running genversion at least once after the upgrade:

  • The genversion signature in the generated code has been changed from generated by genversion to Generated by genversion. to better meet comment-styling requirements of some style guides.
  • Because of the signature change, the version module will be modified upon the first genversion run after the upgrade. This might cause you to commit a change to your version module in spite of your package version and your genversion formatting options have stayed the same. In other words, just run genversion, commit the change, and everything is okay.
  • If you use --check-only flag then you will see the flagged command to exit with code 2 until you run genversion without the flag. Just run genversion without the flag at least once after the upgrade to make --check-only behave as expected.
  • The change will break setups that rely on the signature being in all lower case and without trailing dot. We assume there are no such setups and thus chose MINOR version increment instead of MAJOR. Let us know if your setup was broken cuz of this.

New features:

  • support xo style guide where the first letter of the first word in a comment must be in upper case. Thanks @ctranstrum
  • support style guides where the comment must end with . dot. Thanks @Mourula

Minor changes:

  • corrected docs for --check-only flag
  • improved test suite


20 Oct 14:22
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Bug fix that improves Windows support:

  • Strip CR-characters (\r) before version file comparison. See issue #15 for details.


23 Jun 10:18
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Minor changes:

  • improved documentation navigation
  • new artwork
  • upgraded dev dependency: eslint 7.29.0


17 May 16:16
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Breaking changes:

  • Node.js support below Node v10 is dropped. Genversion now supports Node v10 and later.

New features:

  • Generate with double quotes instead of singles by setting flag -d, --double or via API with useDoubleQuotes: true.
  • Generate with 'use strict' header by setting flag -u, --strict or via API with useStrict: true.

Other changes:

  • Improved documentation
  • Improved --help output
  • VSCode configuration files were converted to a snippet in
  • Upgraded dependencies
  • Dropped dependency mkdirp in favour of the standard fs.mkdir with recursive:true.


01 Mar 22:24
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New features:

  • In addition to genversion signature detection, genversion.check(...) now also detects if the version module should be updated. The detection result is provided in the callback as the fourth argument. Valid detection requires you to provide options object that is identical to the options used in the generation. See API docs for details.
  • New command line flag --check-only. Thanks to @caligo-erik for this.

Other changes:

  • Dropped firstline dependency as unnecessary
  • Upgraded to standard v16 style
    • Codebase now uses const or let instead of var
    • Codebase now prefers arrow functions instead of function
  • Improved test suite


01 Jan 18:30
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Dependency cleanup. Removed obsolete dependencies.


01 Jan 18:22
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Breaking changes:

  • semicolons are omitted by default in generated code. Use --semi to enable semicolons. In v1 semicolons were forced.