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Communication protocols

amirmc edited this page Dec 13, 2011 · 9 revisions

This page lists the protocols used between the different major components of the system.

Signpost client <--> Personal signpost

The Signpost Client (SC) and the Personal Signpost (PSP) are in a client-server relationship. There are two phases in the communication between an SC and a PSP:

  1. Unencrypted call setup establishing a shared secret and a ticket id, an id unique for the session.
  2. HTTP requests from the SC to the PSP accessing a resource. These requests are all encrypted using the shared session secret.

Call setup

The call setup is initiated by the SC. It sends a HTTP POST request to the path /tickets on the PSP. This results in a ticket id, not currently in use, being assigned to the conversation. A shared secret is also established.

Request parameters

The body of the POST request should be a JSON object of the following form:

{"client": {"id":"macbook", "signpost":"", "key_version":"aFAwda"}, "encrypted_client_secret":"aksjdkapUZg5UZj/0kv0OXtp4o/A=="}

The required parameters are:

  • client id: The id used for the connecting client by the clients own PSP
  • client signpost: The signpost responsible for the client
  • client key_version: The version of the clients public-key currently in use. This lets the PSP being connected to, use cached public-keys
  • encrypted_client_secret: The client half of what will make up the shared secret for the session. It is encrypted using the PSPs public-key


The PSP responds with a json object containing a status field. The status indicates whether the ticket was created successfully or not. If it failed, and additional message indicated the reason for the failure


{"status":"success", "server_shared_secret":"Zg5UZj/0kv0OXtasdp4o/B==", "ticket_id":"id_of_current_ticket"}


{"status":"failure", "message":"reason"}

HTTP requests

The PSP exposes a RESTful webservice. It provides the following resources:

  • foo
  • bar
  • to
  • be
  • filled
  • in