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This package serves three purposes:

  • It documents how Dart static analysis is used internally at Google, including best practices for the code we write. The documentation is this
  • It contains a corresponding sample analysis_options.yaml.
  • It contains occasional small snippets of Dart code that are used in implementing those best practices.

Most of the recommended lints directly implement the guidelines set out in Effective Dart. In a few cases the lints are stricter than the style guide for the sake of consistency. Details below.

See this Medium article for more background.

Using Static Analysis

Here is how static analysis is used internally at Google:

  • By default we disallow checking in code with any errors, warnings, or hints.
    • The TODO hint is a permanent exception.
    • Deprecation hints are a permanent exception. Deprecations are handled separately on a case by case basis.
    • unused_element, unused_field and unused_local_variable are allowed.
    • When a new SDK version adds new errors, warnings or hints, we either clean up everything before switching SDK version or maintain a list of allowed violations so it can be gradually cleaned up.
  • Lints are considered and enabled on a case by case basis. When enabling a lint we first clean up all pre-existing violations. After it's enabled, any attempt to check in a further violation will be blocked.

Enabled Lints

The currently enabled lints can be found in analysis_options.1.11.0.yaml.

Stricter than Effective Dart

Here are the important places where pedantic is stricter than Effective Dart:

annotate_overrides is stricter; Effective Dart says nothing about @override.

omit_local_variable_types is stricter; Effective Dart only says to avoid type annotating initialized local variables.

prefer_single_quotes is stricter; Effective Dart says nothing about single vs double quotes.

use_function_type_syntax is stricter; Effective Dart only says to consider using the new syntax.

Using the Lints

To use the lints add a dependency in your pubspec.yaml:

# If you use `package:pedantic/pedantic.dart`, add a normal dependency.
  pedantic: ^1.11.0

# Or, if you just want `analysis_options.yaml`, it can be a dev dependency.
  pedantic: ^1.11.0

then, add an include in your analysis_options.yaml. If you want to always use the latest version of the lints, add a dependency on the main analysis_options file:

include: package:pedantic/analysis_options.yaml

If your continuous build and/or presubmit check lints then they will likely fail whenever a new version of package:pedantic is released. To avoid this, specify a specific version of analysis_options.yaml instead:

include: package:pedantic/analysis_options.1.11.0.yaml

Unused Lints

The following lints have been considered and will not be enforced:

always_put_control_body_on_new_line violates Effective Dart "DO format your code using dartfmt". See note about Flutter SDK style below.

always_put_required_named_parameters_first does not allow for other logical orderings of parameters, such as matching the class field order or alphabetical.

always_specify_types violates Effective Dart "AVOID type annotating initialized local variables" and others. See note about Flutter SDK style below.

avoid_annotating_with_dynamic violates Effective Dart "PREFER annotating with dynamic instead of letting inference fail".

avoid_as does not reflect common usage. See note about Flutter SDK style below.

avoid_catches_without_on_clauses is too strict, catching anything is useful and common even if not always the most correct thing to do.

avoid_catching_errors is too strict, the distinction between Error and Exception is followed closely in the SDK but is impractical to follow everywhere.

avoid_classes_with_only_static_members is too strict, Effective Dart explicitly calls out some cases (constants, enum-like types) where it makes sense to violate this lint.

avoid_double_and_int_checks only applies to web, but there is currently no mechanism for enabling a lint on web code only.

avoid_empty_else redundant when curly_braces_in_control_structures is also enabled.

avoid_equals_and_hash_code_on_mutable_classes would require the @immutable annotation to be consistently and correctly used everywhere.

avoid_field_initializers_in_const_classes does not offer a clear readability benefit.

avoid_js_rounded_ints only applies to web, but there is currently no mechanism for enabling a lint on web code only.

avoid_print is too strict, it's okay to print in some code.

avoid_returning_null will be obsoleted by sound null safety.

avoid_returning_this has occasional false positives, and adds little value as the cascade operator for fluent interfaces in Dart is already very popular.

avoid_slow_async_io gives wrong advice if the underlying filesystem has unusual properties, for example a network mount.

avoid_void_async prevents a valid style where an asynchronous method has a void return type to indicate that nobody should await for the result.

cancel_subscriptions has false positives when you use a utility method or class to call cancel.

cascade_invocations does not reflect common usage.

close_sinks has false positives when you use a utility method or class to call close.

constant_identifier_names is too strict as it does not support the exceptions allowed in Effective Dart for use of ALL_CAPS.

control_flow_in_finally does not offer enough value: people are unlikely to do this by accident, and there are occasional valid uses.

directives_ordering would enforce a slightly different ordering to that used by IntelliJ and other tools using the analyzer.

diagnose_describe_all_properties requires too much maintenance for most codebases.

empty_statements is superfluous, enforcing use of dartfmt is sufficient to make empty statements obvious.

flutter_style_todos is for Flutter SDK internal use, see note about Flutter SDK style below.

invariant_booleans is experimental.

join_return_with_assignment does not reflect common usage.

literal_only_boolean_expressions does not offer enough value: such expressions are easily spotted and so hard to add by accident.

no_adjacent_strings_in_list does not offer enough value: adjacent strings in lists are easily spotted when the code is formatted with dartfmt.

one_member_abstracts is too strict, classes might implement more than one such abstract class and there is no equivalent way to do this using functions.

only_throw_errors does not reflect common usage.

parameter_assignments does not reflect common usage, and will cause particular problems with null safe code.

prefer_asserts_in_initializer_lists does not reflect common usage.

prefer_asserts_with_message is too strict; some asserts do not benefit from documentation.

prefer_bool_in_asserts is obsolete in Dart 2; bool is required in asserts.

prefer_const_constructors would add a lot of noise to code now that new is optional.

prefer_const_constructors_in_immutables does not often apply as @immutable is not widely used.

prefer_const_literals_to_create_immutables is too strict, requiring const everywhere adds noise.

prefer_constructors_over_static_methods is too strict, in some cases static methods are better.

prefer_double_quotes does not reflect common usage.

prefer_expression_function_bodies is too strict, braces look better for long expressions.

prefer_final_in_for_each does not reflect common usage.

prefer_final_locals does not reflect common usage.

prefer_foreach is too strict; forEach is not always an improvement.

prefer_if_elements_to_conditional_expressions users prefer ?: over if/else.

prefer_int_literals does not reflect common usage.

sort_constructors_first does not reflect common usage.

sort_unnamed_constructors_first is too strict, people are free to choose the best constructor ordering.

test_types_in_equals does not offer enough value: there are plenty of other mistakes possible in operator == implementations. It's better to use codegen.

throw_in_finally does not offer enough value: people are unlikely to do this by accident, and there are occasional valid uses.

unnecessary_null_aware_assignments does not offer enough value: this is hard to do by mistake, and harmless.

use_setters_to_change_properties is too strict: it can't detect when something is conceptually a property.

use_string_buffers does not improve performance on web.

use_to_and_as_if_applicable is too strict: it can't detect when the style rule actually applies.

Note on Flutter SDK Style: some lints were created specifically to support Flutter SDK development. Flutter app developers should instead use standard Dart style as described in Effective Dart, and should not use these lints.

Features and bugs

Please file feature requests and bugs at the issue tracker.


How to get the most value from Dart static analysis







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