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There aren’t any labels for this repository quite yet.

somewhat important information sharing
gathering information
priority: HIGH
priority: HIGH
highest priority
priority: ICE
priority: ICE
For now, this is going to be iced.
priority: LOW
priority: LOW
lowest priority
priority: MEDIUM
priority: MEDIUM
medium priority
topic: Analyze()
topic: Analyze()
something to do with Reporting() and Analyze()
topic: automl
topic: automl
something to do with Autom8 and automl features
topic: backward compatibility
topic: backward compatibility
something to do with issue caused by backward compatibility
topic: best-model
topic: best-model
topic: cntk
topic: cntk
relates with cntk backend
topic: data
topic: data
Has to do with input or output data
topic: dependencies
topic: dependencies
dependency related (but not Keras or TensorFlow
topic: Deploy()
topic: Deploy()
topic: documentation
topic: documentation
better doc strings or comments needed
topic: examples
topic: examples
related with need for new examples (or fixing old)
topic: experience
topic: experience
Having to do with researcher/developer experience.
topic: help wanted
topic: help wanted
topic: install
topic: install
something to do with installation of Talos
topic: keras
topic: keras
relates with keras backend
topic: logging
topic: logging
related with the logging aspect of Talos
topic: matplotlib
topic: matplotlib
relates with matplotlib
topic: messaging
topic: messaging
related with errors, warnings, alerts, and other messaging
topic: parallelism
topic: parallelism
Related with parallelism and distributed experiments.
topic: performance
topic: performance
something to do with system performance
topic: production
topic: production
Having to do with live/production models.
topic: roadmap
topic: roadmap
This is where Talos is going