BSc, Amirkabir University of Technology (Tehran Polytechnic)
Course Supervisors (Instructors): Dr. M. Saheb Zamani and Dr. M. Sedighi
AUT Logic Circuits Laboratory Material and Template Sources
[1] Clone repository to own account.
[2] Don't upload your codes in public domain.
[3] Update cloned branch for new assignments template
- Add the remote, call it "upstream":
git remote add upstream
git fetch upstream
git checkout main
git rebase upstream/main
[4] Create new branch for assignments (git branch ca-lab-xx
[5] commit your codes in branch (git add lab-xx & git commit
[6] set branch remote to private repository like CEIT Gitlab (git push -u lab-xx
[7] after passing the course, add your id and semester in last line of file by pull request.
Dear Laboratory instructor, you can add your name and semester in file by pull request or create new issue.