- 001 - FizzBuzz
- 002 - Binary search (integers, strings, etc)
- 003 - BMI calculator
- 004 - Quine
- 005 - Anagram checker
- 006 - Dynamic multidimensional arrays
- 007 - Palindrome checker
- 008 - Factorial
- 009 - Basic converter (binary, hexadecimal, decimal, octal, etc)
- 010 - Temperature converter
- 011 - ROT13 converter
- 012 - N Queens problem
- 013 - Basic database manager in C++ with Qt GUI
- 014 - Bash Pomodoro Timer (tomato-pie)
- 015 - Basic database manager in Java with memory, .csv and SQL support
- 016 - Half-working Pacman clone in JavaFX
- 017 - Half-working webapp 2048 clone
- 018 - Farthest Neighbour algorithm with funny (not real) data
- 019 - Java parser written in JFlex and CUP with a somewhat limited but functional grammar.
Small, mostly console-oriented programs for the sake of variety to my programming learning experience.
- 001->012 Have been basic things I've done in my beginner attempts at understanding various small concepts. All C++. I haven't bothered with 011, and doubt I'll end up bothering with it any time soon.
- 013 Has been one of my more difficult projects in university, as it meant programming on my Ubuntu machine a CRUD/MVC in C++ with basic CSV file management, Qt GUI and code coverage that I've done via lcov.
- 014 Has been a small bash scripting exercise I wanted to do in order to have a better grasp at it.
- 015 Is a database manager and part of what I've learned in my Java courses at university, with support for .csv files and SQL databases.
- 016 Is a half-working Pacman clone with a GUI in JavaFX. Part of the challenge was rendering the map only by using Streams.
- 017 Is a half-working 2048 webapp clone, using a Tomcat server and with basic JSF/XHTML code for the frontend side.
- 018 Python ML project for university. Features unrealistic data, but I thought it was a funny addition.
Project created under the Simplified BSD License by Alexandru Tenie.