Walks folders and runs function on each item that matches. Uses @saulx/walker check for more details.
import { fsWalk } from '@saulx/fs-walker;
const result = []
await fsWalk('./path_to_walt', async (item, info) => {
value: item, // item path
name: info.name, // file/dir name
path: info.path, // item path
type: info.type // 'file' | 'dir'
}) // returns void
Configurable options:
await fsWalk(
path, // starting path
itemFn, // function to run for each matched item
options: {
// check walker for details
itemMatchFn, // function to choose which items to run itemFn on
recurseFn, // function to choose which items to recurse on
previousPath, // prefix to add to paths
Exemple: Get all package.json file paths
const packageJsons = []
await fsWalk(
async (item, _info) => {
itemMatchFn: async (item) =>
item.type === 'file' && item.name === 'package.json',
recurseFn: async (item) =>
item.type === 'dir' &&
!['node_modules', 'tmp', 'dists'].includes(item.name),