CS 319 Group Project
Our project is based on a south asian board game called "Ludo". Ludo is a multiplayer (2-4 players) board game where each player race their four tokens from start to finish based on the rolls on dice. Board is divided into four regions, distinguishable by colors, one for each player. At the beginning, tokens are kept in the regions called "Houses" different for all players. Players need to roll a 6 on a die to get one token out of the house and participate in the race. If the advance of the tokens ends on a square occupied by another player's tokens, that player's token is sent back to his "House". First player to successfully finish race with all four tokens wins the game and remaining players continue playing until only one player is left.
Group members are as following:
- Ahmet Taha Albayrak - 2131440
- Alp Pehlivanoglu - 21202023
- Asli Cengiz - 21301183
- Mustafa Motani 21402995