##Web Application Deveploment Project 2016-2017, Module 4 : Admin Dashboard
- Dashboard and general structure of the module has finished
- Database migrations finished
- Models finished
- Seeder classes are finihed
- Admin can view and edit own profile
- User management page is created (10% done)
- Role management page is created (10% done)
- Data presentation is finished (Shows statistics of total users in the system)
- System status (15% done)
- Implement Jsgrid, Json and Ajax in all tables
- Create maintanance to do list for admin
- Complete managing user priviliges
- Integrate with other modules especially module user authentication
This project require Laravel 5.3 and the AMP stack to run.
Install the dependencies and devDependencies and start the server.
$ clone this repo
$ configure .env file
$ php artisan migrate
$ php artisan db:seed