CLI tool to update text in PDF files
Optionally remove the old content using
Then you can put a new text label with this tool:
PS> dotnet run -- `
--input .\input.pdf `
--output .\output.pdf `
--text "`ACCEPTED" `
--font-path $env:LOCALAPPDATA\Microsoft\Windows\Fonts\Roboto-Black.ttf `
--font-family "Roboto-Black" `
--font-size 24 `
--font-color 00FF15 `
--page 1 `
--left 249.8 `
--bottom 349.15 `
--width 200 `
--bg-color 33BB55 `
--bg-opacity 0.6
This is a not a complete product, but rather a home-made script helper intended for a particular limited case.
If you feel that it can be slightly updated to be helpful in your case as well, then go update it, or submit an issue.
This tool is using itext7 under the hood, so check-out their license:
In short, you can not distribute the program without commercial license, but you can use it and distribute the PDF files.