- Make sure you have gone through this before entering here.
- Make a new GitHub Repository with name your_username.github.io on your GitHub account.
- Initialize this New Folder (project_folder that you have copied in other location in your computer) as a Git Repository using git init.
- Push the contents to your new repository (your_username.github.io)
- Start Learning HTML from
- w3schools
- MDN web docs
- List of important tags :
- Heading tags
- Paragraph tag
- Anchor tag
- List tags
- Image tag
- Form tags
- Table tags
- Meta tag, etc.
- Make changes in the index.html page of your repository.
- Commit and push the changes to your repository.
- Get acquainted with CSS
Resource Links :
- w3schools
- MDN web docs
- List of important topics to learn in CSS :
- Different type of Stylesheets
- Selectors
- Basic Styling such as font-size, width, etc.
- Color formats
- Box Model
- Display, Positon and Float
- Psuedo Classes and Combinators
- Fluid Layouts
- Media Queries
- Flexbox and Grids
- Transforms, Transitions and Animations
- You can also learn about CSS Frameworks like Bootstrap
- Start adding some CSS to your project. Keep all the css in <project_dir>/assets/css/ folder.
- You can also use Bootstrap or any other Framework for styling.
- Add the CSS file in your index.html using link tag
Create atleast one animation, transformation and transition using only CSS.
Use Flexbox atleast for one section.
Use Psuedo Classes atleast once.
Use Descendant Selector atleast once.
Make the website responsive.
So, that's a lot of learning for 3 days straight. Go watch this, have a coffee and get back because CODERS NEVER QUIT, QUITTERS NEVER CODE
- Start Learning Javascipt from
- MDN Web Docs
- Eloquent Javascript Book for reference
- List of important topics to learn in Javascipt :
- Types, Variables and Scoping
- Objects and Functions
- The DOM
- Events and EventListeners
- Flow Control
- ES6, etc
- You can also learn about any Javascipt Frameworks like JQuery, React, etc
Start adding JS to your project. Keep all the JS in <project_dir>/assets/js/ folder.
You can also use JQuery or any other Framework for styling.
Add the JS script in your index.html using script tag
Create atleast
- Two of these animations by DOM manipulation using Javascript -
- Fade-Effect
- Roll-in or Roll-out
- Page-In or Page-out
- Object Movements
- Fireworks
- Two EventListeners for events like Click, KeyDown, Resize, etc.
- Two of these animations by DOM manipulation using Javascript -
- Make any final changes in your website, you still have time.
- Make sure GitHub pages is enabled for your repository. Go here to get help with this
- Visit your_username.github.io. That should be your portfolio.
- Keep the forked repository in sync with the actual repository. Refer this.
- In the synced fork on your repository, edit the README.md file to add your Name and the link to your portfolio.
- Then make a Pull Request to the Repository on EEESoc Organisation from which you had first forked.
- Maintain a track of everything that you have learnt in progress.md file.
- Download any code editor of your choice (for example vscode, sublime, brackets etc.)