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Terry Turton edited this page Aug 24, 2021 · 1 revision

Two-alternative Forced Choice

In this study, we use the 2-Alternative Forced Choice approach for the somewhat trivial example of determining a threshold for when a subject can differentiate between black and various shades of grey.

Take a demo survey yourself: ETK 2AFC Demo

Survey Screenshot: 2 Alternative Forced Choice image

Method of Adjustment

The Method of Adjustment module creates a “carousel” of images, allowing a study participant to move back and forth through the image set as they determine their threshold for the effect under study.

Take a demo survey yourself:Method of Adjustment Demo

Study screenshot: Method of Adjustment image

Round Robin Comparison

The Round Robin Comparison is used to pairwise compare all images in an array. This module is well-suited to asking which visualization is most effective for a specific task — a set of A vs. B choice comparisons.

Take a demo survey yourself: Round Robin Comparison Demo

Study Screenshot: Round Robin Comparison study screenshot

Key Task

A flexible module, the Key Task presents an image and a series of answer keys. The keys can be coded by color or by name/text.

This demo takes you through an example study that asks participants to identify the key closest in color to the color at the center of a set of crosshairs.

Take a demo survey yourself: Key Task Demo

Survey Screenshot: Screenshot of Key Task Study

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