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This repository contains Tensorflow code for our paper RecSys'23 "gSASRec: Reducing Overconfidence in Sequential Recommendation Trained with Negative Sampling"

Link to the paper:

If you use this code from the repository, please cite the work:

  title={gSASRec: Reducing Overconfidence in Sequential Recommendation Trained with Negative Sampling},
  author={Petrov, Aleksandr Vladimirovich and Macdonald, Craig},
  booktitle={Proceedings of the 17th ACM Conference on Recommender Systems},

Pytorch version

If you are looking for a pytorch version of gSASRec, please use the official port: The pytorch version is independent of the aprec framework and may be easier to use outside of the framework.

Environment setup

To set the environment, you can use Dockerfile from the docker folder and build the image with the help of the docker build command:

docker build . -t  gsasrec

Alternatively, the Dockerfile can be seen as a step-by-step instruction to set up the environment on your machine.

Our code is based on the aprec framework from our recent reproducibility work, so you can use the original documentation to learn how to use the framework.

gSASrec and gBCE info

gSASRec is a SASRec-based sequential recommendation model that utilises more negatives per positive and gBCE loss:

$$\begin{align} \mathcal{L}^{\beta}_{gBCE} = -\frac{1}{|I_k^-| + 1} \left( \log(\sigma^{\beta}(s_{i^+})) + \sum_{i \in I_k^{-}}\log(1-\sigma(s_i)) \right) \end{align}$$

where $i^+$ is the positive sample, $I_k^-$ is the set of negative samples, $s_i$ is the model's score for item $i$ and $\sigma$ is the logistic sigmoid function.

The $\beta$ parameter controls the model calibration level. Note that we do not specify beta directly and infer it from the calibration parameter $t$:

$$\begin{align} \beta = \alpha \left(t\left(1 - \frac{1}{\alpha}\right) + \frac{1}{\alpha}\right) \end{align}$$

where $\alpha$ is the negative sampling rate: $\frac{</code>|I_k^-|<code>}{|I| - 1}$, and $|I|$ is the catalogue size.

The additional hyperparameters in gSASRec (in addition to standard SASRec's hyperparameters) are $k$ -- the number of negatives per positive, and $t$. We recommend using $k = 256$ and $t=0.75$.
However, if you want fully calibrated probabilities (e.g., not just to sort items but to use these probabilities as an approximation, e.g. for CTR), you should set $t=1.0$. In this case, model training will take longer but converge to realistic probabilities (see proofs and experiments in the paper).

We do not implement gBCE explicitly. Instead, we use score positive conversion and then use the standard BCE loss:

$$\begin{align} \mathcal{L}^{\beta}_{gBCE}(s^+, s^-) = \mathcal{L}_{BCE}(\gamma(s^+), s^-) \end{align}$$


$$\begin{align} \gamma(s^+)= \log\left(\frac{1}{\sigma^{-\beta}(s^+) - 1}\right) \end{align}$$

Our SASRec code is based on the original SASRec code.

The most important code that implements the gBCE loss function that you can re-use in other projects:

  alpha = self.model_parameters.vanilla_num_negatives / (self.data_parameters.num_items - 1)
  t = self.model_parameters.vanilla_bce_t 
  beta = alpha * ((1 - 1/alpha)*t + 1/alpha)

  positive_logits = tf.cast(logits[:, :, 0:1], 'float64') #use float64 to increase numerical stability
  negative_logits = logits[:,:,1:]
  eps = 1e-10
  positive_probs = tf.clip_by_value(tf.sigmoid(positive_logits), eps, 1-eps)
  positive_probs_adjusted = tf.clip_by_value(tf.math.pow(positive_probs, -beta), 1+eps, tf.float64.max)
  to_log = tf.clip_by_value(tf.math.divide(1.0, (positive_probs_adjusted  - 1)), eps, tf.float64.max)
  positive_logits_transformed = tf.math.log(to_log)
  negative_logits = tf.cast(negative_logits, 'float64')
  logits = tf.concat([positive_logits_transformed, negative_logits], -1)

The code of our gSASRec model is located in the file recommenders/sequential/models/sasrec/

Note that when you use gBCE, the model may require some time to "kick-off" training and improve the results above simple models like popularity.

If you observe this pattern, consider increasing early stopping patience - the model eventually will start learning. Alternatively, consider decreasing t in gBCE to make task easier for the model.

Runnig experiments

(instruction copied from the original repo)

1. Go to aprec evaluation folder:

cd <your working directory>
cd aprec/evaluation

2. Run example experiment:

You need to run with the experiment configuration file. Here is how to do it with an example configuration:

sh configs/

to analyse the results of the latest experiment run


3. Reproducing experiments from the paper

The config files for experiments described in the paper are in the configs/gsasrec/. To run the experiments, please run.


sh configs/gsasrec/


sh configs/gsasrec/


sh configs/gsasrec/