Provides centralized support for executing callable code before Symfony framework termination
To install this bundle via composer, perform the following command: composer require as3/post-process-bundle ^1.0
Once installed, register the bundle in your AppKernel.php
// app/AppKernel.php
public function registerBundles()
$bundles = array(
// ...
new As3\Bundle\PostProcessBundle\As3PostProcessBundle(),
// ...
To use the PostProcessBundle, you must first create a class adhering to the Task\TaskInterface
or Plugins\PluginInterface
. A task is a process that will be executed on the Symfony terminate event (after the response is sent,) whereas a Plugin is a process that is run before the response is sent (allowing you to modify it.)
A task can be used to execute logic after the response has been sent to the user, allowing you to trigger long-running processes that need to complete, but the user does not need to wait for them.
use As3\Bundle\PostProcessBundle\TaskInterface;
class SleepTestTask implements TaskInterface
* {@inhericDoc}
public function run()
// Some process that takes 5 minutes
To register your task, call the addTask
method against the task manager's service (as3_post_process.task.manager
$manager = $this->get('as3_post_process.task.manager');
$manager->addTask(new SleepTestTask(), 5);
Tasks can have a priority
set when they are added to the manager -- by default new tasks are added with a priority of 0
. Tasks are executed in ascending order by their priority.
You can also register a service by using the tag as3_post_process.task
if your task should be run on every request.
# src\MyBundle\Resources\services.yml
class: MyCoolTask
- { name: as3_post_process.task, priority: 5 }
A plugin can be used to modify the response before it is returned to the user.
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Response;
* Integration with New Relic End User Monitoring services
class NewRelicInjector extends PluginInterface
* Handles injection of NREUM Javascript
public function filterResponse(Response $response)
if (extension_loaded('newrelic')) {
$content = $response->getContent();
if (false != strpos($content, '</head>')) {
$content = str_replace('</head>', sprintf("\n%s\n</head>", newrelic_get_browser_timing_header()), $content);
if (false != strpos($content, '</body>')) {
$content = str_replace('</body>', sprintf("\n%s\n</body>", newrelic_get_browser_timing_footer()), $content);
$response->headers->set('X-NREUM', 'Enabled');
// If we modified the content, set it on the response.
if ($content !== $response->getContent()) {
return $response;
This plugin will disable automatic injection of NewRelic end user monitoring javascript. To enable this for all requests, add the following service definition:
class: MyApp\MyBundle\NewRelicPlugin
- { name: as3_post_process.plugin }