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Learning Kotlin

Kotlin is a statically typed, fluent & elegant programming language that compiles to Java or JavaScript. For a very quick start to Kotlin follow these links -

This document is split into 7 parts -

  1. Introduction to Kotlin
  2. Object Oriented Kotlin
  3. Functional Kotlin
  4. Fluent, Elegant & Efficient Kotlin
  5. Async Programming using Kotlin
  6. Interoperability with Java
  7. Metaprogramming & some Useful Constructs

My takeaways from Kotlin till now when compared to Java -

Key features:

  1. null-safe language - usage of nullable type - safe-call & elvis operators
  2. No checked exception - Reduces clutter in code
  3. Extension Functions
  4. Creating DSLs using infix notation & lambda extensions
  5. Delegation
  6. Coroutines

Some more useful features:

  1. Object destructuring - Con is position based destructuring compared to JS where it is name based.
  2. Using data class accompanied by copy() method
  3. Smart casting
  4. Using default & named parameters in functions

Part I - Introduction to Kotlin

1. Basics

In this section we will learn about some basic constructs about Kotlin. IntelliJ or Eclipse already have the Kotlin compiler so don't need to download it separately if we are using any of these IDEs.


1.a. Kotlin Compiler - kotlinc

  • kotlinc is the Kotlin Compiler. On Mac, Kotlin can be installed using brew which internally installs kotlinc by default under /usr/local/bin/kotlinc -

        brew install kotlin
        ~ %which kotlinc
  • Once kotlinc is installed we can run Kotlin scripts on REPL or we can directly write programs and execute them. We'll take a look at both of them.

1.b. Using Kotlin REPL

  • Some examples of using the Kotlin REPL from Terminal -

        ~ %kotlinc
        Welcome to Kotlin version 1.3.72 (JRE 1.8.0_251-b08)
        Type :help for help, :quit for quit
        >>> 2 + 2
        res0: kotlin.Int = 4
        >>> "Hello" +  "World"
        res1: kotlin.String = HelloWorld
        >>> fun greet(name: String) {println("Hello $name")}
        >>> greet("Arunav")
        Hello Arunav
        >>> fun multiLineGreet(name: String){
        ... println("Hello $name ! Hope you are doing great !")
        ... }
        >>> multiLineGreet("Sanjoy")
        Hello Sanjoy ! Hope you are doing great !
        >>> :quit
        ~ %
  • Kotlin REPL can be run from IntelliJ Kotlin REPL, which provides syntax highlighting and suggestions for ease of use in REPL.

1.c. Compile and run a Kotlin program

  • Below is a sample kotlin program Basics.kt

        fun greet(names: List<String>){
            print("Welcome ")
            for (name in names)
                print(name + ", ")
            println("to the world of Kotlin !")
        fun main(){
            greet(listOf("Arunav", "Kaushik", "Sanjoy"))
  • In order to compile and execute the program as Java bytecode, we need to compile it using kotlinc-jvm and then run as kotlin or java as shown below -

       ~ %kotlinc-jvm Basics.kt
       ~ %ls
       BasicsKt.class  META-INF 
       ~ %kotlin Basics
       Welcome Arunav, Kaushik, Sanjoy, to the world of Kotlin !
  • Unlike languages like Java, Kotlin doesn’t require a statement or expression to belong to a method and a method to belong to a class, at least not in the source code we write. When the code is compiled, or executed as script, Kotlin will create wrapper classes and methods as necessary to satisfy the JVM expectations.

1.d. Variables - var & val

  • Immutable variables are defined as val and mutable variables are defined as var

  • The type is automatically determined by Kotlin if not specified

        var name="Arunav"
        var age=Int
        age = 20
        name = "Madhuri"
        val address=String
        address = "Phoenix, Arizona"    

1.e. Equality Check

  • Structural Equality: equals() method in Java, or == operator in Kotlin, is a comparison of values, called structural equality.

  • Referential Equality: == operator in Java, or === in Kotlin, is a comparison of references, called referential equality. Referential equality compares references and returns true if the two references are identical—that is, they refer to the same exact instance.

        println("hi" == "hi")  // true 
        println("hi" == "Hi")  // false
        println(null == "hi")  // false
        println("hi" == null)  // false
        println(null == null)  // true

1.f. Basic Data Types

  • In Kotlin everything is an object.

  • The different data types in Kotlin are - Numbers, Characters, Booleans, Arrays, Unsigned integers, Strings.

  • There is no implicit type conversion. Using helper functions we can do type conversion.

  • There are different literal constants for integral values for -

    • Decimal (123)
    • Long (123L)
    • Hexadecimal (0x0F)
    • Binary (0b00001011)
    • Double (123.5)
    • Float (123.5f)
  • We can use underscores in numerical literals to make it more readable val oneMillion = 1_000_000

  • Similar to Java, Char and is written inside single quotes on the other hand String is written inside double quotes.

  • Multi-line String can be written inside a pair of 3 double quotes """

        val multiLineString = """
            Hello there, 
            How are you ?
  • String literals can contain template expressions, i.e. pieces of code that are evaluated and whose results are concatenated into the string. A template expression starts with a dollar sign ($) and consists of either a simple name:

        val person = "Name: $name; Age: $age; Address: $address"

Additional Reading

1.g. Loops & Ranges

  • Traditional for, while, do..while loops are supported in Kotlin

  • break and continue also are supported

  • We can use ranges inside for loops

    • .. : Incrementing
    • downTo : Decrementing
    • step : no. of steps increment or decrement can happen
  • For skipping values without a particular rythm we can use the filter() method

        val oneToFive: IntRange = 1..5
        // IntRange
        for (i in oneToFive) {
        val aToe: CharRange = 'a'..'e'
        for (i in aToe) {
        // ClosedRange - range of Strings
        val seekHelp: ClosedRange<String> = "hell".."help"
        println(seekHelp.contains("helm"))   // true
        println(seekHelp.contains("hello"))  // true
        println(seekHelp.contains("helo"))   // true
        println(seekHelp.contains("hels"))   // false
        for (i in 1..10) {
        for (i in 1..10 step 3) {
        for (i in 10 downTo 1 step 2) {
        // Using filters in ranges
        for (i in (1..12).filter { it % 3 == 0 || it % 5 == 0 }) {
            println(i) //3, 5, 6, 9, 10, 12
  • We can use label to break out of all the nested loops

1.h. Conditionals

  • In Kotlin, if can be used as a statement or an expression. When used as expression it returns a value and hence there is no separate ternary operator.

  • Instead of switch statements, we have when statements in Kotlin. default case is referred as else.

  • When if and when are used as expression, the else is mandatory.

        fun whenStatement(str: String) {
                "Red" -> println("The color code is 4")
                "Blue" -> println("The color code is 8")
                else -> println("Couldn't find the color code")
        fun whenExpression(dayOfWeek: Any) = when (dayOfWeek) {
            "Saturday", "Sunday" -> "Relax"
            in listOf("Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday") -> "Work hard"
            in 2..4 -> "Work hard"
            "Friday" -> "Party"
            is String -> "What?"
            else -> "No clue"
        fun ifConditions() {
            val a = 30
            val b = 20
            val result = if (a > b){
                "a is greater than b"
            } else {
                "b is greater than a"

Additional Reading

1.i. Packages

  • By default Kotlin imports a number of packages.

  • Depending on target platform, additional packages are imported for JVM and JS.

  • The syntax for specifying a package and importing from a package are similar to what we have in Java.

  • A source file may start with a package declaration.

  • Apart from the default imports, each file may contain its own import directives.

  • If there is a name clash, we can disambiguate by using as keyword to locally rename the clashing entity.

        import org.example.Message // Message is accessible
        import org.test.Message as testMessage // testMessage stands for 'org.test.Message'

Additional Reading

2. Intro to Functions

In this section, we'll be doing an introduction to functions in Kotlin

2.a. Have fun in Kotlin

  • Functions in Kotlin are prefixed with fun

  • Some return types in function -

    • Unit : This is the default return type. Unit is kind of equivalent to void in other languages. But in kotlin we can check if the value of a variable is Unit.
    • Nothing : Nothing is a return type when a function returns exception. Nothing is substitutable for any class including Int, Double, String, etc.
  • In Kotlin, we can’t say val or var for parameters, they’re implicitly val, and any effort to change the parameters’ values within functions or methods will result in compilation errors.

  • Single expression function doesn't need a function block

  • If a block body is assigned as a single expression function, Kotlin will treat that as a lambda expression or an anonymous function. Check out the below examples.

      fun f1() = 2
      fun f2() = { 2 }
      fun f3(factor: Int) = { n: Int -> n * factor }
      println(f1()) //2
      println(f2()) //() -> kotlin.Int 
      println(f2()()) //2
      println(f3(2)) //(kotlin.Int) -> kotlin.Int        
      println(f3(2)(3)) //6

2.b. Default & Named Parameters

  • We can pass default parameters to function arguments

  • The default argument doesn’t have to be a literal; it may be an expression. Also, you may compute the default arguments for a parameter using the parameters to its left.

  • In case of ambiguity in case of multiple parameters & default value being used in some cases, then the calling part of the function can use named parameters.

  • Also the ordering of the functions can be in any sequence when using named parameters

        fun person(name: String, address: String = "", email: String = "$name${name.length}@kotlin.lang", phone: String) {
            println("Name=$name, Address=$address, Email=$email, Phone=$phone")

2.c. Unlimited Parameters - vararg

  • When a function parameter is specified as vararg it means it can have unlimited number of parameters.

  • In case of passing vararg to another function we can use the spread operator (*).

        fun greetPeople(vararg names: String) {
            print("Welcome ")
            println("to the world of Kotlin using vararg")
        fun printNames(vararg names: String) {
            for (name in names)
                print("$name, ")

Additional Reading

3. Collections

We'll explore different types of collections in Kotlin, including

  • Tuples - Pair & Triple
  • Array
  • List
  • Set
  • Map
  • Kotlin does not have its own collections. What it has is some interfaces on top of Java collections -

    • Mutable
    • Immutable
  • Collections are

    • List
    • Array (including equivalent primitive type)
    • Set
    • Map
    • HashMap
    • HashSet, etc...
  • Use Kotlin helper functions when working with Collections. It automatically determines which class to call. For example when defining an empty list using emptyList<>(), it uses kotlin.collections.EmptyList, whereas when defining using Arrays.asList() it uses java.util.Arrays$ArrayList


3.a Tuples - Pair & Triple

  • Tuples are sequences of objects of small, finite size.

  • Pair is a tuple of size two and Triple is a tuple of size three.

  • Both Pair & Triple are immutable. For mutability we can use Array.

       println(Pair("Tom", "Jerry"))
       println(Triple("Tom", "Dick", "Harry"))    

3.b. Arrays

  • Example of Array

        // Array of Strings
        val friends = arrayOf("Sanjoy", "Kaushik", "Ayon", "Debanjan")
        println("${friends[0]}, ${friends[1]}, ${friends[2]}, ${friends[3]}")


3.c. Lists

  • Example of List

        val fruits: List<String> = listOf("Apple", "Banana", "Grape")
        println(fruits) //[Apple, Banana, Grape]
        // Using the `index` operator to fetch from list
        println("${fruits[0]} == ${fruits.get(0)}")
        // Using the `in` operator to check if a value exists in list
        println("Apple" in fruits)
        println(fruits.contains("Apple")) // Same as the line above


3.d. Sets

  • Example of Set

        val fruits: Set<String> = setOf("Apple", "Banana", "Apple")
        println(fruits) //[Apple, Banana]


3.e. Maps

  • The key-value pairs are created using the to() extension function, available on any object in Kotlin.

  • Using mapOf(), that takes a vararg of Pair<K, V>, we can create a map of key-values of different objects.

        val products = mapOf("PID1" to "Phone", "PID2" to "Watch", "PID3" to "Laptop")
        println(products.containsKey("PID1")) //true
        println(products.containsValue("Tablet")) //false
        println(products.containsValue("Watch")) //true
        println(products.contains("PID2")) //true - Checks if the key is present in the map
        println("PID3" in products) //true - Checks if the key is present in the map
        val unknownProduct: String? = products.get("PID4")  // Using the get() method to fetch a value from map
        val someProduct: String? = products["PID1"]  // Using the index operator [] to fetch a value from map
        // Iterating over products
        for (product in products)
            println("${product.key} --> ${product.value}")
        // Iterating over the destructed map of products
        for ((pid, product) in products)
            println("$pid --> $product")  


Additional Reading

3.f. Collection Common Operations

Additional Reading

4. Type Safety & Null Handling


  • All classes in Kotlin extend from the base class Any similar to Object class in Java.
  • Methods like hashCode(), equals() and toString() are already implemented in Any.
  • In addition to these, Any has extension functions like to(), let(), run(),apply(), also().


  • When a function returns nothing, the corresponding return type in Kotlin is Nothing. There is nothing similar in Java.

  • Nothing actually returns nothing, not even void (or Unit in Kotlin). Nothing is literally deeper than void.

  • Nothing can be substituted for any class (Int, Double, etc).

  • When used as a function return type that means that the function call will result in an exception.

      fun computeSqrt(n: Double): Double { 
          if(n >= 0) {
              return Math.sqrt(n) 
          } else {
              throw RuntimeException("No negative please") 
  • In the above example if returns Double, but the else throws an Exception.

null Handling

  • By default all objects in Kotlin is defined as not nullable unless specified otherwise. Every non-nullable Koltin object have a nullable counterpart. The nullable types have a ? suffix.

  • Kotlin does null check during compile time -

    • If the return type of a function is not defined as nullable and the function is returning null, the Kotlin code doesn't compile and throws an error.
    • If null is passed in a function parameter when the parameter in the function is defined as not nullable.
  • Safe-Call (?.) Operator: The null check and call to a method or property can be merged in a single step using the ?. operator. If the reference is null, the safe-call operator will result in null, otherwise the result will be the result of the method call or property.

      fun getNickName(name: String?) : String? {
          return name?.reversed()?.toUppercase()
  • Elvis (?:) Operator: If we want to return something instead of null, when the reference is null, we can do that using the Elvis operator.

      fun getNickName(name: String?): String {
          return name?.reversed()?.toUppercase()?:"What's there in a name ?"
  • Unsafe Assertion (!!) Operator: It is NOT advisable to use this operator. This operator tells Kotlin compiler that it doesn't have to do any null check on a particular reference during compile time. If that reference is null during runtime and we are calling a method or property on that reference then that will result in a NullPointerException at runtime.

      fun getNickName(name: String?): String {
          return name!!.reversed().toUppercase()

Type Checking & Casting

  • Smart Casts:

    • Using the is operator we can do type-checking in Kotlin.

    • We can check whether an object conforms to a given type at runtime by using the is operator or its negated form !is

    • Once Kotlin determines the type during compile-time, Kotlin does a smart cast wherever possible.

    • The Kotlin compiler tracks is-checks and explicit casts for immuatable values and automatically inserts safe-casts

          fun demo(x: Any) {
              if (x is String) {
                  print(x.length) // x is automatically cast to String
    • The compiler is smart enough to know a cast to be safe if a negative check leads to a return

          if (x !is String) return            
          print(x.length) // x is automatically cast to String
    • or in the right-hand side of && and ||

          // x is automatically cast to string on the right-hand side of `||`
          if (x !is String || x.length == 0) return
    • Such smart casts work for when-expressions and while-loops as well

          when (x) {
              is Int -> print(x + 1)
              is String -> print(x.length + 1)
              is IntArray -> print(x.sum())
  • Explicit Casts:

    • Similarly, once an object reference is not null, it can apply smart casts to automatically cast a nullable type to a non-nullable type, saving an explicit cast.

      fun whatToDo(dayOfWeek: Any) = when (dayOfWeek) {
        "Saturday", "Sunday" -> "Relax"
        in listOf("Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday") -> "Work hard" 
        in 2..4 -> "Work hard"
        "Friday" -> "Party"
        is String -> "What?"
        else -> "No clue"
    • Using the as and as? operator we can do explicit type-casting in Kotlin. This might be required when Kotlin compiler is unable to do a smart cast.

    • In Kotlin there is nothing as implicit casting. It either has to be a smart cast or an explicit cast.

5. Generics

  • We can think of of objects from which we always read as Producers and the ones we write as Consumers. To remember this, we can use a mnemonic PECS (Producer -> extends and Consumer -> super).


  • Let's say the class Dog is inherited from the class Animal. Any method that is expecting an Animal will be happy if we pass Dog, but if we try to pass MutableList<Dog> where MutableList<Animal> is expected, Kotlin compiler will throw an error. This is true in case of Java List<> as well. The reason for this compilation error is because the list being a mutable one, we can add an instance of another animal, lets say Cat in the MutableList<Animal>. If a MutableList<Dog> is passed to MutableList<Animal> , then whenever a Cat is added to the list it will throw a ClassCastException at runtime, instead it is throwing the error at compile time itself. This is called type invariance, i.e., we cannot vary on the type, i.e., List<Dog> is not a subtype of List<Animal>.


  • Sometimes you want the compiler to permit covariance — that is, tell the compiler to permit the use of a derived class of a parametric type T in addition to allowing the type T, but without compromising type safety. In Java you use the syntax <? extends T> to convey covariance, but there’s a catch. You can use that syntax when you use a generic class, which is called use-site variance or type-projection, but not when you define a class, which is called declaration-site variance. In Kotlin you can do both.

  • The out modifier tells the Kotlin compiler that items can only be read out of the Generic class, and hence it allows derived classes to be passed as parameter by still maintaining type safety.

        fun copyFromTo(from: Array<out Fruit>, to: Array<Fruit>) {
          for (i in 0 until from.size) {
            to[i] = from[i]
  • The Array<T> class has methods to both read out and set in an object of type T. Any function that uses Array<T> may call either of those two types of methods. But using covariance, we’re promising to the Kotlin compiler that we’ll not call any method that sends in any value with the given parametric type on Array<T>. This act of using covariance at the point of using a generic class is called use-site variance or type projection.

  • Use-site variance is useful for the user of a generic class to convey the intent of covariance. But, on a broader level, the author of a generic class can make the intent of covariance — for all users of that class — that any user can only read out and not write into the generic class. Specifying covariance in the declaration of a generic type, rather than at the time of its use, is called declaration-site variance. A good example of declaration-site variance can be found in the declaration of the List interface — which is declared as List<out T>.


  • Other times you want to tell the compiler to allow contravariance — that is, permit a super class of a parametric type T where type T is expected. Once again, Java permits contravariance, with the syntax <? super T> but only at use-site and not declaration-site. Kotlin permits contravariance both at declaration-site and use-site.

  • In the above example, if we want to pass a Fruit or one of the derived classes of Fruit into a collection of Fruit, or any class that is collection of a base of Fruit in the to parameter, we can’t simply pass an instance of Array<Any> as an argument to the to parameter. We have to explicitly ask the compiler to permit contravariance, i.e., to accept a parametric type of base where an instance of a parametric type is expected.

        fun copyFromTo(from: Array<out Fruit>, to: Array<in Fruit>) { 
          for (i in 0 until from.size) {
            to[i] = from[i]
  • The only change was to the second parameter, what was to: Array<Fruit> is now to: Array<in Fruit>. The in specification tells Kotlin to permit method calls that set in values on that parameter and not permit methods that read out.

  • This again is a use-site variance, but this time for contravariance (in) instead of covariance (out). Just like declaration-site variance for covariance, classes may be defined with parametric type <in T> to universally specify contravariance, i.e., that type can only receive parametric types and can’t return or pass out parametric types.

Generic Functions

  • Not only classes can have type parameters. Functions can, too. Type parameters are placed before the name of the function:

        fun <T> singletonList(item: T): List<T> {
            // ...

Generic Constraints using where

  • We can tell Kotlin to allow a particular type of parameter in a generic type T, by specifying it during the declaration, as shown in the below example -

        fun <T: AutoCloseable> useAndClose(input: T) { 
  • The function useAndClose() expects a parameteric type T as parameter, but only one that conforms to being AutoCloseable. For a single constraint this approach is fine, but if there are multiple constraints, this approach won't work and we need to use where in that case. In the above example, in addition to AutoCloseable if we want the parameter T to conform to Appendable, then we would need to use where as shown below -

        fun <T> useAndClose(input: T) 
           where T: AutoCloseable,
                 T: Appendable {

Star Projection

  • In Java we may use the ? to specify that a function may receive a generic object of any type, but with a read-only constraint. We can also define raw types in Java, like ArrayList. The equivalent in Kotlin is Star projection, defined as the parametric type with <*> specifies both generic read-only type and raw type.

        fun printValues(values: Array<*>) {
           for (value in values) {
          //values[0] = values[1] //ERROR
        printValues(arrayOf(1, 2))
  • In the above example, Array<*> prohibits making any changes to the values array. Had it been declared as Array<T>, then modification to the array would have been possible.

  • The star projection <*> here, is equivalent to out T, but is more concise to write.

  • Star Projection Types

    • For Foo<out T : TUpper>, where T is a covariant type parameter with the upper bound TUpper, Foo<*> is equivalent to Foo<out TUpper>. It means that when the T is unknown you can safely read values of TUpper from Foo<*>.
    • For Foo<in T>, where T is a contravariant type parameter, Foo<*> is equivalent to Foo<in Nothing>. It means there is nothing you can write to Foo<*> in a safe way when T is unknown.
    • For Foo<T : TUpper>, where T is an invariant type parameter with the upper bound TUpper, Foo<*> is equivalent to Foo<out TUpper> for reading values and to Foo<in Nothing> for writing values.
  • Some examples of Star Projection

    • Function<*, String> means Function<in Nothing, String>
    • Function<Int, *> means Function<Int, out Any?>
    • Function<*, *> means Function<in Nothing, out Any?>
  • Star projections are very much like Java's raw types, but safe. It comes in handy when we don't know much about the type parameter, but still want it to be type-safe.

Reified Type Parameters

  • Similar to Java, at runtime, the instances of generic types do not hold any information about their actual type arguments. The type information is said to be erased. For example, the instances of Foo<Bar> and Foo<Baz?> are erased to just Foo<*>.

  • These unchecked casts can be used when type safety is implied by the high-level program logic but cannot be inferred directly by the compiler. The compiler issues a warning on unchecked casts, and at runtime, only the non-generic part is checked (equivalent to foo as List<*>).

  • The type arguments of generic function calls are also only checked at compile time. However, only in the case of inline functions, reified type parameters are substituted by the actual type arguments in the inlined function body at the call sites, during runtime, and can be used for type checks and casts, with the same restrictions for instances of generic types.

  • In the below examples, we'll see how reified type parameters will help reduce verbosity and clutter in the code in an inline function.

  • Without reified type parameters

        fun <T> findFirst(books: List<Book>, ofClass: Class<T>): T {
            val selected = books.filter { book -> ofClass.isInstance(book) }
            if(selected.size == 0) throw RuntimeException("Not found")
            return ofClass.cast(selected[0]) 
  • With reified type parameters

        inline fun <reified T> findFirst(books: List<Book>): T {
            val selected = books.filter { book -> book is T }
            if(selected.size == 0) throw RuntimeException("Not found")
            return selected[0] as T
  • Reified type parameters are useful to reduce clutter and also to alleviate potential errors in code. Reified type parameters eliminate the need to pass extra class information to functions, help to write code with safe casts, and customize the return type of functions with compile-time safety.

  • However the point to note here is this works only in the case of inline function calls. For normal classes or functions, this isn't possible as type arguments are erased during runtime.

Part II - Object Oriented Kotlin

6. Classes & Objects

Kotlin is an object oriented language and it supports all the different features of object-oriented programming. In this section, we'll get started with the OO concepts in Kotlin.

6.a. Objects & Singletons

  • In Kotlin we can directly create an object without creating a class.

  • Provides an easy way to create singletons.

  • Objects in an expression are initialized immediately, whereas object declarations are lazily instantiated.

  • We can add methods to objects as well, but in most of the scenarios we'll use a class to do this.

        object Circle {  // This is treated as an object declaration or singleton
            var radius = 2
        fun draw(){
            var rectangle = object { // This is treated as object expression
                val length = 10
                val breadth = 7 
            println("Drawing Rectangle of length ${rectangle.length} and breadth ${rectangle.breadth}")
            println("Drawing Circle of radius ${Circle.radius}")
  • With a slight change, anonymous objects can be useful as implementors of interfaces, i.e., as anonymous inner classes like in Java. Between the object keyword and the block {}, we can mention the names of the interfaces we’d like to implement, comma separated.

  • In this below example, the anonymous inner class (object) is implementing more than one interfaces - Runnable and AutoCloseable, but returns Runnable as the return type.

        fun createRunnable(): Runnable = object: Runnable, AutoCloseable {
            override fun run() { println("I m running...") }
            override fun close() { println("I m closing...") }  
  • If the interface implemented by the anonymous inner class is a single abstract method interface (what Java 8 calls a functional interface), then we can directly provide the implementation without the need to specify the method name, like so:

        fun createRunnable(): Runnable = Runnable { println("You called...") }

Top-level functions vs Singletons

  • If a group of functions are high level, general, and widely useful, then placing them directly within a package as top-level functions make sense.
  • If on the other hand, a few functions are more closely related to each other than the other functions, then place them within a singleton.
  • If a group of functions needs to rely on state, you can place that state along with those related functions in a singleton, although a class may be a better option for this purpose.
  • Caution: Placing mutable state in a singleton may cause issues in multithreaded applications.

6.b. Classes

  • class:

    • Classes can be defined with or without any {}.
    • By default, access to a class, its members and its constructor is public.
    • To create instances of classes, we can simply call the Class using the className. There is no new keyword in Kotlin.
    • Classes have properties and not fields.
    • Properties can be defined as val or var.
    • All properties needs to be initialized if they are not passed using constructor.
    • If a parameter passed inside constructor is not defined as val or var, it can still be a parameter, but not a property of the class.
    • We can define member functions inside classes similar to how we defined functions. It will have access to all the properties inside the class.
    • We can create custom getters and setters inside Kotlin classes by using the get() and set() methods with each properties.
    • field is a special keyword in Kotlin that is used to set a value to a property.
    • The full syntax for declaring a property is
      var <propertyName>[: <PropertyType>] [= <property_initializer>]
    • Example of a Kotlin class
        class Employee(val id: Int = Random.nextInt().absoluteValue, val name: String, val yearOfBirth: Int) {
            var age: Int = 0
                get() = Calendar.getInstance().get(Calendar.YEAR) - yearOfBirth
            var ssn: String = ""
                set(value) {
                    field = value

Backing Field

  • In Kotlin we never define fields — backing fields are synthesized automatically, but only when necessary. If you define a field with both a custom getter and custom setter and don’t use the backing field using the field keyword, then no backing field is created. If you write only a getter or a setter for a property, then a backing field is synthesized.

  • Since Kotlin synthesizes fields internally, it doesn’t give access to that name in code. We may refer to it using the keyword field only within getters and setters for that field.

  • init:

    • We can initialize properties inside an init{} block of code inside the class.
    • A class may have zero or more init blocks.
    • These blocks are executed as part of the primary constructor execution. The order of execution of the init blocks is top-down.
    • Within an init block we may access only properties that are already defined above the block.
    • Since the properties and parameters declared in the primary constructor are visible throughout the class, any init block within the class can use them. But to use a property defined within the class, we’ll have to write the init block after the said property’s definition.
    • An ideal practise will be to first declare the properties at the top, then write one init block, but only if needed, and then implement the secondary constructors (again only if needed), and finally create any methods that may be needed.
        class Car(val year: Int, var theColor: String) {
            var mileage: Int = 100
            var color = theColor
                // Custom Setter for color property. We can give any name to the parameter of the setter (value)
                set(value) {
                    if (value == "")
                        throw Exception("ERROR: Color cannot be blank")
                    field = value
            init {
                  if (year > 2020) { 
                      mileage = 0 
            override fun toString() = "year=$year, color=$color, mileage=$mileage "

Additional Reading on Classes

Additional Reading on Properties

Additional Reading on Access Modifiers

6.c. Constructors

  • Constructor properties can have default or named parameters similar to functions.

  • Secondary constructors can be created by using the constructor keyword.

  • If the class has a primary constructor, each secondary constructor needs to delegate to the primary constructor, either directly or indirectly through another secondary constructor(s) using the this keyword.

  • Properties cannot be defined in secondary constructors. Hence var or val is not allowed inside secondary constructors.

          class Person(val first: String, val last: String) { 
              var fulltime = true
              var location: String = "-"
              constructor(first: String, last: String, fte: Boolean): this(first, last) { 
                  fulltime = fte
              constructor(first: String, last: String, loc: String): this(first, last, false) { 
                  location = loc
              override fun toString() = "$first $last $fulltime $location" 

6.d. inline classes

  • inline classes provides the benefit of classes at compile time, but we can also get the benefits of using a primitive at runtime — the inline class is transformed into a primitive in the bytecode.

  • inline classes may have properties and methods and may implement interfaces as well.

  • Under the hood, methods will be rewritten as static methods that receive the primitive types that are being wrapped by the inline class.

  • inline classes are required to be final and aren't allowed to extend from other classes.

        inline class SSN(val id: String) {
            fun receiveSSN(ssn: SSN) {
                println("Received $ssn")

6.e. companion objects

  • companion objects are singletons defined within a class — they’re singleton companions of classes.

  • Allows creating equivalent of static members in Java.

  • An object inside a class can be prefixed with companion. This makes the functions inside the object accessible outside the class by without referencing using the object name.

  • Each class can have only one single companion object, inside which we can multiple functions.

  • By prefixing the functions inside the object with the annotation @JvmStatic, it becomes accessible to Java as static methods accessible by the classname.

  • They may implement interfaces and may extend from base classes, and thus are useful for code re-usability.

  • The members of the companion object of a class can be accessed using the class name as reference.

  • We can access the companion of a class using .Companion on the class. The name Companion is used only if the companion object doesn’t have an explicit name.

        companion object {
            var tires = 4
        val ref = Car.Companion // Referenced as .Companion
        companion object Wheels { 
            var tires = 0
        val wheels = Car.Wheels
  • We can use companion object as a factory by providing a private constructor to the class. We can then provide one or more methods in the companion object that creates the instance and carries out the desired steps on the object before returning to the caller.

        class MachineOperator private constructor(val name: String) {
            fun checkin() = checkedIn++
            fun checkout() = checkedIn--
            companion object {
                var checkedIn = 0
                fun minimumBreak() = "15 minutes every 2 hours"
                fun create(name: String): MachineOperator {
                    val instance = MachineOperator(name)
                    return instance
            override fun toString() = "${checkedIn}"
  • Caution: Placing mutable properties within companion objects may lead to thread-safety issues in multithreaded scenarios.

6.f. data Classes

  • In order to reduce verbose code, Kotlin has data classes which automatically derives -

    • equals() / hashCode()
    • toString()
    • copy()
  • We can override and provide explicit implementations of equals(), hashCode() or toString() in the data class body.

  • Data classes must fulfill the following requirements -

    • The primary constructor needs to have at least one parameter
    • All primary constructor parameters need to be marked as val or var
    • Data classes cannot be abstract, open, sealed or inner
  • Data classes have copy() function, which can be used to copy an object altering some of its properties, but keeping the rest unchanged.

  • It also creates special methods that start with the word componentcomponent1(), component2(), and so on, to access each property defined through the primary constructor, generally referred to as componentN() method.

  • Any property defined within the class body {}, if present, will not be used in the generated equals() , hashCode(), and toString() methods. Also, no componentN() method will be generated for those.

  • Unlike the other methods, the copy() method includes any property defined within the class, not just those presented in the primary constructor

      data class EmployeeData(var id: Int, var name: String, var email: String) {
          override fun toString(): String {
              return super.toString()
      fun main() {
          val e1 = EmployeeData(1, "Ram", "[email protected]")
          val e2 = EmployeeData(2, "Shyam", "[email protected]")
          val e3 = e1.copy(email = "[email protected]")

Destructuring in Data Classes

  • The main purpose of the componentN() methods is for destructuring. Any class, including Java classes, that has componentN() methods can participate in destructuring.
  • To destructure, we have to extract the properties in the same order as they appear in the primary constructor. > > kotlin > val (id, _, name) = employee > println("Employee Id=${id}, Employee Name=${name}") >
  • The destructuring of data classes in Kotlin comes with a significant limitation. In JavaScript, object destructuring is based on property names, but, sadly, Kotlin relies on the order of properties passed to the primary constructor. If a developer inserts a new parameter in between current parameters, then the result may be catastrophic.

6.g. enum Classes

  • Enum classes are used for creating a bunch of enumerated values.

  • We can customize and iterate over them as well.

  • Each enum constant is an object. Enum constants are separated with commas.

  • Enum constants can override base methods.

  • When enum class has any members, the enum constants must be separated from the member definitions with a semicolon.

        enum class ProtocolState {
            WAITING {
                override fun signal() = TALKING
            TALKING {
                override fun signal() = WAITING
            abstract fun signal(): ProtocolState

6.h. Late Initialization using lateinit

  • Kotlin provides a way to define properties by not initializing them. This can be done by prefixing the property with the keyword lateinit.

7. Inheritance

We'll extend the OO concepts in Kotlin by looking into Inheritance, Interfaces, Abstract classes & Generics.

  • Base class in Kotlin is Any, similar to Object is Java. All classes inherits from Any.

  • By default all classes are final. In order to make a class non-final we need to make it open.

  • Similarly members are also by default final. In order to override in the child class, we need to make the method open in the parent class.

  • data classes can also be inherited in Kotlin.

        open class Person() {
            open fun validate() {
                println("Validating in Person")
        open class Customer : Person {
            final override fun validate() {
                println("Validating in Customer")
            constructor() : super() {
                println("Inside Customer constructor")
        data class SpecialCustomer(var id: Int) : Customer()

7.a. interface

  • Similar to Java 8 onwards.

  • Can have default implementations.

  • Can define abstract properties but cannot have a state for it.

  • However, we can define custom getters and setters on interface properties. But properties inside interfaces doesn't have a backing field.

  • We can use companion objects to create static methods in interfaces.

        interface CustomerRepo {
            // Interfaces cannot maintain state, but can have custom getters & setters
            var isEmpty : Boolean
                get() = true
                    println("Doing something with the value $value")
            // This is a default implementation
            fun load(obj: Customer){
                println("Loading Customer Data")
            // Implementing class needs to override this method
            fun getById(id: Int) : Customer
  • When a class implements multiple interfaces, say A and B, and both have a method with the same name, say foo(), then Kotlin provides a way for the implementing class to resolve the conflict by specifying the interfaces in Angular brackets <>.

        interface A {
            fun foo() { print("A") }
            fun bar()
        interface B {
            fun foo() { print("B") }
            fun bar() { print("bar") }
        class C : A {
            override fun bar() { print("bar") }
        class D : A, B {
            override fun foo() {
            override fun bar() {
                super<B>.bar() // We don't have to specify super<B> in this case as there is no implementation inside A for bar()

7.b. abstract Classes

  • Similar to Java

        abstract class AbstractEntity {
            // Having a state inside abstract class
            val isActive = true
            // Abstract method
            abstract fun load()
            // Default method
            fun status(): String {
                return isActive.toString()
        class EmployeeEntity : AbstractEntity() {
            override fun load() {
                println("Loading EmployeeEntity..")

Difference between Abstract Classes and Interfaces:

In both abstract classes and interfaces, we can define abstract methods as well as provide default implementation of some methods. But below are the major differences between them -

  • In abstract classes we can maintain state, but in interfaces we cannot. We can define properties inside an interface, but we cannot maintain value or state inside it.
  • Secondly we can have a class that implements multiple interfaces, but it can extend only one class.

In short, when we want to reuse state between multiple classes, then abstract class is a good choice, and on the other hand, if we want classes to choose their own implementations, interfaces is a better option.

Additional Reading

7.c. Generics

  • Similar to Java

        interface Repository<T> {
            fun getById(id: Int): T
            fun getAll(): List<T>
            fun<U> getAddDataById(id: Int) : U
        class GenericRepo<T> : Repository<T> {
            override fun getById(id: Int): T {
                println("Getting by id = $id ")
                throw UnsupportedOperationException("Not implemented")
            override fun getAll(): List<T> {
                println("Fetching all")
                throw UnsupportedOperationException("Not implemented")
            override fun <U> getAddDataById(id: Int): U {
                println("Getting additional data by Id")
                throw UnsupportedOperationException("Not implemented")
        fun main() {
            val customerRepo = GenericRepo<Customer>()
            val employeeRepo = GenericRepo<EmployeeEntity>()

7.d. Nested and inner Classes

  • Kotlin supports nested class.

  • Nested classes can be accessed outer class by using the OuterClass.InnerClass notation both in Java and Kotlin.

  • Unlike in Java, Kotlin nested classes can’t access the private members of the nesting outer class. But if we mark the nested class with the inner keyword, then they turn into inner classes and the restriction goes away.

        class _TV {
            private var volume = 0
            val remote: Remote
                get() = _TVRemote()
            override fun toString() = "Volume : ${volume}"
            inner class _TVRemote : Remote {
                override fun up() {
                override fun down() {
                // Inner class overriding the outer class method.
                override fun toString() = "Remote: ${this@_TV.toString()}"
  • A user of a _TV instance can obtain a reference to a Remote for the _TV instance using the remote property.

  • If a property or method in the inner class shadows a corresponding member in the outer class, we can access the member of the outer class from within a method of the inner using a special this expression (this@_TV can be read as "this of _TV", i.e., this will refer to the _TVRemote, while this@_TV will refer to the instance of the outer class _TV).

  • Similar to this@_TV, we can refer to a method in the base class of the outer class using super@OuterClass, but we should try to avoid this because it is a design smell, by by-passing the outer class to get from base class.

  • The inner keyword is not required for anonymous inner classes. We can use the companion objects in this case.

7.e. Inheritance

  • Only classes marked open may be inherited from. Only open methods of an open class may be overridden in a derived class and have to be marked with override in the derived.
  • A method that isn’t marked open or override can’t be overridden. An overriding method may be marked final override to prevent a subclass from further overriding that method.
  • We can override a property, either defined within a class or within the parameter list of a constructor.
  • A val property in the base may be overridden with a val or var in the derived. But a var property in the base may be overridden only using var in the derived.
  • We can make a private or protected member public in the derived, but we can’t make a public member of base protected in the derived.

7.f. sealed Class

  • sealed classes are used for representing restricted class hierarchies, where a value can have one of the types from a limited set, but cannot have any other type.

  • A class can be made sealed by prefixing it with the sealed keyword.

  • A sealed class is abstract by itself. It cannot be instantiated directly and can have abstract members.

  • We can't instantiate an object of a sealed class, but we can create objects of classes that inherit from sealed classes.

  • sealed classes are open for extension by other classes defined in the same file but closed — that is, final or not open for any other classes.

  • The constructors of sealed classes aren’t marked private, but they’re considered private.

  • sealed classes are not allowed to have non-private constructors (their constructors are private by default).

  • We may also derive singleton objects from sealed classes.

        sealed class Card(val suit: String)
        class Ace(suit: String) : Card(suit)
        class King(suit: String) : Card(suit) {
            override fun toString() = "King of $suit"
        class Queen(suit: String) : Card(suit) {
            override fun toString() = "Queen of $suit"
        class Jack(suit: String) : Card(suit) {
            override fun toString() = "Jack of $suit"
        class Pip(suit: String, val number: Int) : Card(suit) {
            init {
                if (number < 2 || number > 10) {
                    throw RuntimeException("Pip has to be between 2 and 10")

Some Tips

  • The key benefit of using sealed classes comes into play when we use them in a when expression. If it's possible to verify that the statement covers all cases, we don't need to add an else clause to the statement. However, this works only if when is used as an expression (using the result) and not a statement.
  • Kotlin provides an auto-backing field for cases where we want to "store" information.
  • We can use typealias for providing better semantics to other data types.

8. Delegation

In delegation, two objects are involved in handling a request: a receiving object delegates operations to a delegate object. Kotlin inherently provides support for Delegation. In this section we'll take a look at it.

Inheritance vs Delegation:

  • We should be using inheritance if we want an object of a class to be used in place of an object of another class.
  • We should be using delegation if we want an object of a class to simply make use of an object of another class.

8.a Delegation in Kotlin using by

  • Kotlin requires the left side of the by to be an interface. The right side is an implementor of that interface.

  • In the below example, Manager class routes all calls to work() and takeVacation() methods to JavaProgrammer which was specified when defining the Manager class.

        interface Worker{
            fun work()
            fun takeVacation()
        class JavaProgrammer : Worker {
            override fun work(){
                println("Writing Java Code..")
            override fun takeVacation(){
               println("Writing Java Code in vacation..")
        class Manager() : Worker by JavaProgrammer()

8.b. Delegating to a Parameter

  • In the previous example, the JavaProgrammer is tightly coupled with the Manager class. Kotlin delegates also provides the flexibility to pass a parameter or property to which the called class can delegate to. Let's take a look at the below example -

        class Manager(val staff: Worker) : Worker by staff { 
            fun meeting() = println("organizing meeting with ${staff.javaClass.simpleName}") 
  • The constructor of the Manager class receives a parameter named staff which also serves as a property, due to val in the declaration.

  • If the val is removed, staff will still be a parameter, but not a property of the class.

  • Irrespective of whether or not val is used, the class can delegate to the parameter staff.

8.c. Dealing with Method Collisions

  • A delegating class if it decides to implement one of the methods from the delegate class, it can do so. So when that particular method is called on the delegating class, then the method on the delegating class will be called.

  • In case a delegating class is implementing multiple interfaces, and if there is a method collision in the two interfaces, then the delegating class must override that particular colliding method inside the class. If the method is not overridden inside the delegating class then we'll get a compilation error.

8.d. Caveats of Kotlin Delegation

  • The delegating class implements the delegating interface, so a reference of the delegating class may be assigned to a reference of the delegating interface. Likewise, a reference of a delegating class may be passed to methods that expect a delegate interface.

        val manager = Manager(JavaProgrammer())
        val coder : JavaProgrammer = manager // ERROR: type mismatch
        val employee : Worker = manager // This is OK    
  • Kotlin doesn't delegate to a property of an object but to the parameter passed to the primary constructor. If we change the property that's used as delegate from val to var, the behavior is going to be different. Let's look at the following example -

        interface Worker {
          fun work()
          fun takeVacation()
          fun fileTimeSheet() = println("Why? Really?")
        class JavaProgrammer : Worker {
          override fun work() = println("Write Java")
          override fun takeVacation() = println("...code at the beach...")
        class KotlinProgrammer : Worker {
          override fun work() = println("Write Kotlin")
          override fun takeVacation() = println("...branch at the ranch...")
        class Manager(var staff: Worker) : Worker by staff
        val manager = Manager(JavaProgrammer())
        println("Staff is ${manager.staff.javaClass.simpleName}") // Staff is JavaProgrammer // Write Java
        //Changing staff
        manager.staff = KotlinProgrammer()
        println("Staff is ${manager.staff.javaClass.simpleName}") // Staff is KotlinProgrammer // Write Java      
    • The delegate at the far right in Manager class declaration is a parameter and not a property. It is taking a parameter staff and assigning it to a member named staff (like, this.staff=staff). So there are two references to the given object - one held inside the class as backing field and one held for the purpose of delegation. When we changed the property staff to an instance of KotlinProgrammer, though, we only modified the field, but not the reference to the delegate.
    • When we replaced the property staff with KotlinProgrammer, the originally assigned JavaProgrammer is no longer attached to the object as its property. But it can't be garbage collected as well because the delegate holds on it. Thus a delegate's lifetime is same as object's lifetime, though properties may come and go.

8.e. Delegating variables & properties

  • When delegating properties, the delegated class needs to implement two functions getValue() and setValue().

For knowing more about the property type passed in the getValue() and setValue() methods, visit this part after learning reflection in Kotlin.

Additional Reading

More Reading

8.f. Built-in Standard Delegates in Kotlin

  • lazy :

    • Deferring creation of objects or executing computations until the time the result is truly needed. The lazy function takes as argument a lambda expression that will perform the computation, but only on demand and not eagerly or immediately.
    • The lazy function by default synchronizes the execution of the lambda expression so that at most one thread can execute it.
  • observable :

    • This is useful to observe or monitor changes to the value of a property.
    • The singleton object has an observable() convenience function to create a ReadWriteProperty delegate that will intercept any change to the variable or property it’s associated with. When a change occurs, the delegate will call an event handler you register with the observable() function.
    • The event handler receives three parameters - type KProperty which hold the metadata about the property, the old value, and the new value. It doesn’t return anything, i.e., it’s a Unit or void function.
  • vetoable :

    • Unlike the handler registered with observable, whose return type is Unit, the handler we register with vetoable returns a Boolean result.
    • A return value of true means a favorable nod to accept the change; false means reject. The change is discarded if we reject.
    • Is used to reject changes to properties based on some rules or business logic.

Part III - Functional Kotlin

9. Functional Programming with Lambdas

We'll get functional in this section. Learn about some key concepts how Kotlin supports functional programming.

9.a. Higher Order Functions

  • A higher order function is a function that takes a function as an argument, or return a function.

9.b. Lambda Expressions

  • Passing Lambdas to higher-order functions: In Kotlin, lambda expressions are expressed with "->", similar to Java. In the below example 2 until n returns an IntRange class. The class has a method none() that takes a Predicate and returns false if the Predicate is evaluated as true and vice-versa.

        fun isPrime(n: Int) = n==1 || (n > 1 && (2 until n).none({ i: Int -> n % i == 0 }))
  • Implicit Parameter - it: For single parameter in a lambda expression, we don't have to explicitly define the parameter in the lambda expression and instead, we can refer to the parameter as it in the body of the expression. Let's see an example -

        someFunc(3, {x -> x*x})
        someFunc(3, {it * it})
  • Receiving Lambdas: Let's take a look at a function that takes a lambda as a parameter.

        fun actionFromOneTo(action: (Int) -> Unit, n: Int) = (1..n).forEach {action(it)}
  • Lambda as Last Parameter - Dropping the brackets: When the last or the only parameter of a function is a function, then when calling the higher-order function, the function parameter can be passed outside the parentheses of the function call

        operation(5) { it * it }
  • Function References: In Kotlin, method references are denoted as ::, similar to Java. We can pass a method reference or a lambda expression to a function that accepts a function as an argument.

  • Function returning functions: A function returning a function is also a higher-order function. This might come in handy when we have multiple lambdas with same functionality but varies on some parameter. We can extract that particular lambda and return it from another function, but provide some parameter on which that lambda will work on. Let's look at the following function -

        fun predicateOfLength(length: Int): (String) -> Boolean { 
          return { input: String -> input.length == length }

9.c. Lambdas & Anonymous Expressions

  • We can pass functions with no names as a parameter to higher-order functions. These are called anonymous functions.

  • Instead of lambdas we can use anonymous functions. But because of its verbosity it should be avoided in most cases, except for some cases which we'll discuss in following sections.

  • The return keyword is required for block-body anonymous functions that returns a value.

  • The return will always return from the anonymous function and not from the encompassing function.

        val checkLength5 = fun(name: String): Boolean { return name.length == 5 }

9.d. Closures & Lexical Scoping

  • A lambda is stateless; the output is dependent on the inputs parameters.

  • A lambda expression or anonymous function (as well as a local function and an object expression) can access its closure, i.e. the variables declared in the outer scope, also known as lexical scoping.

  • Sometimes we want to depend on external state. Such a lambda is called a closure — that’s because it closes over the defining scope to bind to the properties and methods that aren’t local.

  • The variables captured in the closure can be modified in the lambda, but this should be avoided.

        val factor = 2
        val doubleIt = { e: Int -> e * factor }


  • In lambdas as well we can use object destructuring.
  • Keep closure as pure functions to avoid confusion and to minimize errors

Additional Reading

9.e. Labeled and Non-localreturn

By default, lambdas aren’t allowed to have the return keyword, even if they return a value. This is a significant difference between lambdas and anonymous functions - the latter is required to have return if returning values and it signifies only a return from the immediate lambda and not the outer calling function.

Labeled return

  • In order to return from an enclosing lambda, we can use labeled return, i.e., return@myLabel where myLabel is some label that we can create using syntax myLabel@.

  • We can also use implicit label, i.e., name of the function to which the lambda is passed.

  • Prefer explicit labels over implicit as it makes the intention clear and code more readable.

  • In the below example, the label myLabel behaves as a continue statement as in case of imperative programming.

        fun caller() {
            (1..5).forEach { i ->
                invokeWith(i) myLabel@{ 
                    if (it == 2) {
                        return@myLabel // Return without a label will not be allowed here

Non-local return

  • Non-local return is useful to break out of the current function that's being implemented, right from within a lambda.

  • Non-local returns, i.e., return from a lambda function is allowed only when the function in which lambda expression is invoked is an inline function. In the below example forEach() is an inline function.

        fun containingFunction(){
            val numbers = 1..100
                if(it % 5 == 0) return
            println("After forEach")


  • return is not allowed by default within lambdas.
  • We may use a labeled return to step out of the encompassing lambda.
  • Use of non-local return to exit from the encompassing function being defined is possible only if the function to which the lambda is passed is defined with inline.
  • When a local return is called from an anonymous function it returns to the enclosing function and not to the outer function.

9.f. Inlining Functions with Lambdas

inline functions

  • Functions prefixed with inline are inline functions.
  • When bytecode is generated for inline functions, the body of the function is copied to the place from where the actual function call is done. This reduces the call stack.
  • Performance can be improved for functions by making it inline, if they have another function as a parameter.
  • inline functions without function as parameters will not have performance improvement.
  • When an exception is thrown from an inline function the stacktrace doesn't show the function separately.

Selective noinline

  • A particular lambda-function parameter in inline function can be made non-inline by prefixing the parameter with noinline.
  • We can use the noinline keyword only on function parameters and the function is itself marked as inline.
  • There will be no stack call optimization if the function parameter is marked as noinline.
  • We cannot reference the function parameter with another variable inside an inline function. If the function parameter is declared as noinline then this is possible.

crossinline Parameters

  • By default the functions defined as parameters in an inline function is also inline unless specified otherwise.

  • Lets look at the following scenario -

    An inline function is accepting a function (by default inline) as a parameter, and is not invoking the passed-in function inside the function body but rather passing it to another function or returning back to the calling function.

    • In such a scenario, the Kotlin compiler will be in conflict and give a compilation error. In order to overcome this there are 2 options -
      • i. Make the particular function that is passed as parameter to the inline function as noinline.
      • ii. The other option is to make the function parameter crossinline. This will make the function to be called as inline wherever it will be invoked.
  • A non-local return is not allowed in a lambda that is passed as a crossinline parameter. The reason is that by the time the lambda is executed, it might have exited from the function to which it is passed as a parameter - hence no point trying to return from a function that has already completed.


  • inline performs inline optimization, to remove function call overhead.
  • crossinline also performs inline optimization, not within the function to which the lambda is passed, but wherever it is eventually called.
  • Only lambdas passed for parameters not marked noinline or crossinline can have non-local return.

Additional Reading

10. Internal Iterator & Sequences

10.a. External vs. Internal Iterators

10.b. map, filter & reduce

10.c. flatten and flatMap

10.d. Sorting & Grouping

10.e. Sequences - Lazy Evaluation

  • Sequences are equivalent to Java Streams
  • Parallel sequences is not available on Kotlin
  • Using sequences for evaluating collections lazily -
    • asSequence()
    • generateSequence()
    • lazy(), etc...

Additional Reading

Part IV - Fluent, Elegant & Efficient Kotlin

11. Fluency in Kotlin

11.a. Extension Functions

  • Extension function allows extending functionality of class without inheriting from it.
  • Scope of exception functions is packages. In order to use outside the package, we need to import the package with the extension function.
  • Member function takes precedence over extension function when both have same names and definition.
  • Extensions are resolved statically. By defining an extension, we do not insert new members into a class, but merely make new functions callable with the dot-notation on variables of this type.

Note :

  • There needs to be a discipline when using extension methods

Additional Reading

11.b. String Extensions

  • A bunch of String manipulation functions are available in Kotlin. Check it out here - Kotlin String Functions

  • Some utility functions to checkout -

    • run()
    • with()
    • apply()
    • let()
    • also()
    • takeIf()
    • takeUnless()

Additional Reading

11.c. Nested/Local functions

  • Nested or local functions are functions defined inside another function. The local functions are not accessible outside the enclosing function.

11.d. infix functions

  • Functions prefixed with infix can be accessed without the dot notation and we can call the functions without parentheses ()
  • This is applicable to member and extension functions only
  • Only one parameter is supported in an infix function

11.e. Operator Overloading

  • Kotlin allows us to provide implementations for a predefined set of operators on our types.
  • These operators have fixed symbolic representation (like + or *) and fixed precedence

Additional Reading


12. Creating DSLs

12.a. Lambda Extensions - Creating DSLs

Additional Reading

12.b. Functional Constructs

Open Source Library - funKTionale

  • Supports composition, currying, memoization, etc...

13. Recursion & Memoization

13.a. Tail Recursion using tailrec

  • When a function is tail recursive, Kotlin provides us a way to optimize the execution of it by prefixing the function with tailrec. This optimizes the generated bytecode by replacing it with for loops or GOTO calls.

Part V - Async Programming in Kotlin Coroutines

14. Exploring Coroutines

15. Async Programming

15. Asynchronous Programming - Coroutines

15.a. Understanding Coroutines

Coroutines go hand in hand with suspendible functions, the execution of which may be suspended and resumed. These features are built in Kotlin using continuations, which are data structures used to preserve the internal state of a function in order to continue the function call later on.

  • Unlike subroutines, which have a single point of entry, coroutines have multiple points of entry. Additionally, coroutines may remember state between calls.
  • A call to a coroutine can jump right into the middle of the coroutine, where it left off in a previous call. Because of all this, we can implement cooperating functions—that is, functions that work in tandem—where two functions can run concurrently, with the flow of execution switching between them.


15.b. Creating Coroutines - launch & runBlocking

  • While coroutines are part of the language’s standard library, we’ll have to download an additional library to make use of that package, which contains functions to easily create and work with coroutines.

  • The runBlocking() function from kotlinx.coroutines.* package takes a lambda as an argument and executes that within a coroutine.

  • launch() function starts a new coroutine to execute the given lambda, like runBlocking() function does, except the invoking code isn’t blocked for the completion of the coroutine.

  • Unlike the runBlocking() function, the launch() function returns a job, which can be used to wait on for completion or to cancel the task.

        runBlocking {
            launch { task1() }
            launch { task2() }
            println("Calling task1() and task2() from main")

15.c. Interleaving calls with Suspension points

  • Kotlin coroutines library comes with suspension points—a function that will suspend execution of the current task and let another task execute. There are two functions to achieve this in the kotlinx.coroutines.* library: delay() and yield().

    • The delay() function will pause the currently executing task for the duration of milliseconds specified.
    • The yield() method doesn’t result in any explicit delays. But both these methods will give an opportunity for another pending task to execute.
  • Kotlin will permit the use of suspension points only in functions that are annotated with the suspend keyword. Marking a function with suspend doesn’t automatically make the function run in a coroutine.

        suspend fun task2() {
            println("Starting task2 in ${Thread.currentThread()}")
            println("Ending task2 in ${Thread.currentThread()}")

When to use coroutines

  • Suppose we have multiple tasks that can’t be run in parallel, maybe due to potential contention of shared resources used by them. Running the tasks sequentially one after the other may end up starving all but a few tasks. Sequential execution is especially not desirable if the tasks are long running or never ending. In such cases, we may let multiple tasks run cooperatively, using coroutines, and make steady progress on all tasks.
  • We can also use coroutines to build an unbounded stream of data for creating Infinite Sequences.

15.d. Couroutine Contexts

  • The call to launch() and runBlocking() functions by default execute in the same thread as the caller's coroutine scope as they carry a coroutine context from their scope.

  • We may pass a CoroutineContext to these functions to set the execution context of the coroutines these functions start.

15.d.i. Threads in CoroutineContext

  • We may pass some pre-defined thread pool (Dispatchers) as CoroutineContext to these functions. Let's take a look at few of them -

    • Dispatchers.Default: This instructs the coroutine to execute in a thread from DefaultDispatcher thread pool. The number of threads in this pool is 2 or number of cores of the CPU, whichever is higher. This pool is for running computation intensive tasks.
    • Dispatchers.IO: This instructs coroutines to execute in a pool that is dedicated for running IO intensive tasks. That pool may grow in size if threads are blocked on IO and more tasks are created.
    • Dispatchers.Main: Used in android devices and Swing UI, for example, to run tasks that update the UI from only the main thread.
  • We can pass custom thread pool (Executors API) to these functions as well.

    • SingleThreadExecutor: Coroutines using this context will run concurrently instead of parallel.
    • FixedThreadPool: Coroutines using this context can run in this custom pool with the number of threads passed in the configuration.


  • When passing custom thread pool, we need to use Kotlin's extension functions to get a CoroutineContext from it using an asCoroutineDispatcher() function.
  • Along with this function, we need to call use() function which takes care of closing the Executors pool. This use() function behaves like the try-with-resources feature in Java.

15.d.ii. Switching threads after Suspension Points using CoroutineStart

  • We might have a scenario where we want a coroutine to start in the context of the caller but switch to a different thread at suspension point. We can use the CoroutineStart, the second optional argument to launch().
  • The different enums for CoroutineStart are -
    • DEFAULT: To run the coroutine in the current context
    • LAZY: Defer execution until an explicit start() is called
    • ATOMIC: Used to run in non-cancellable mode
    • UNDISPATCHED: To run in current context and then switch threads after suspension point

15.d.iii. Changing the CoroutineContext using withContext()

  • We can run a coroutine in one context and then change the context midway using the withContext().

Useful Tips

  • Kotlin provides a command-line option -Dkotlinx.coroutines.debug to display the details of the coroutine executing a function.
  • Behind the scenes, coroutines are managed using continuations. Continuations are highly powerful data structures - programs can capture and preserve the state of execution in one thread and restore them when needed in another thread.

15.e. async & await

  • launch returns an object of Job and there is no way to return a result from it. In order to execute a task asynchronously and return a value we need to use async.
  • async() has same parameters as launch(), but async returns a Deferred<T> future object, which has an await() method, among many other methods.
  • A call to await() will block the flow of execution but not the executing thread. Thus, the code in the caller and the code within the coroutine started by async() can run concurrently.
  • The call to await() will eventually return the result of the coroutine started using async().
  • If the coroutine started using async() throws an exception, then that exception will be propagated to the caller through the call to await().

Part VI - Interoperability with Java

16. Interoperability

Kotlin is 100% interoperable with Java. Its 2 way - Java to Kotlin and Kotlin to Java as well.

16.a. Java in Kotlin

Additional Reading

16.b. Working with nulls from Java

  • Java nullable types become Platform types in Kotlin

16.c. Kotlin in Java

  • Properties in Kotlin will automatically be converted to corresponding get() and set() methods when the same is used inside a Java class.
  • @JvmField: For properties defined inside Kotlin code to be accessible from Java, this annotation in Kotlin code will help discover the property in Java code
  • @JvmOverloads: For default parameters defined in Kotlin methods, Java won't have direct access to the overloaded method without specifying value for the default parameter. With @JvmOverloads annotation on the Kotlin method, Java class will now have access to the overloaded method without that particular default parameter.
  • @JvmName: Kotlin provides us with a feature of having a different name to a particular method when a method is referenced inside a Java code by using the @JvmName annotation.
  • @Throws: When an exception is thrown from a method in Kotlin, the same needs to be annotated with @Throws in order for the Java class to handle it.

Additional Reading

16.d. Top-level functions & properties in Kotlin

  • Top level functions when compiled by default generates a bytecode file with name Kt.class.

  • In order to reference these functions inside Java we can simply call the function as Kt.functionName().

  • In order to change the name of the default class name we can use the annotation at the top of the Kotlin file -

  • Top level properties can again be accessed by default using get() and set() methods inside Java.

  • In case we want to access the property as a field name in Java class, then the same needs to be prefixed using const in the Kotlin file.

16.e. Extension functions from Java

  • Extension functions can be accessed from Java using the Kotlin-className.functionName() similar to accessing a static method in Java.

Part VII - Metaprogramming & some Useful Constructs

17. Metaprogramming

17.a. Reflection

Additional Reading

17.b. Creating custom Annotations

Additional Reading


  • Allow for introspection of code at runtime
  • Kotlin can use - >
  • Java Reflections API
  • Kotlin Reflection API
  • Reified type parameters
  • Avoid type erasure
  • Limitations - applicable to inline only, cannot create instances of T

18. Some useful language constructs

In this section we will take a look at some of the useful language constructs that Kotlin provides, which will help us deepen our understanding of the further sections

18.a. Destructuring

  • Destructuring is to extract values into variables from an existing object.

  • The destructuring in Kotlin is based on the position of properties. In JavaScript object destructuring is based on name of properties.

  • We can skip properties while destructuring by putting underscores(_)

        fun getFullName() = Triple("John", "Quincy", "Adams")
        val (first, middle, last) = getFullName()
        val (f,_, l) = getFullName()    

Additional Reading

18.b. Exceptions

  • All exception classes in Kotlin are descendants of the class Throwable.

  • Kotlin does not have checked exceptions.

  • Every exception has a message, stack trace and an optional cause.

  • Sample exception block

        try {
            // some code
        catch (e: SomeException) {
            // handler
        finally {
            // optional finally block
  • try is an expression, i.e., it can return a value

  • The returned value of a try-expression is either the last expression in the try block or the last expression in the catch block (or blocks). Contents of the finally block do not affect the result of the expression.

  • throw is an expression in Kotlin that returns a special type Nothing.

        fun fail(message: String): Nothing {
            throw IllegalArgumentException(message)
        val s = ?: fail("Name required")
        println(s)     // 's' is known to be initialized at this point

Additional Reading


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