JQ is a DSL for querying javascript object. APIs are very similar to jQuery. If you know jQuery, you can use this library immediately.
via npm:
$ npm install JQ
To compile JQ to a single file runnable for client-side use simply execute:
$ make JQ.js
var JQ = require('JQ').JQ;
var family = {
father_name: 'bob',
mother_name: 'kathy',
children: [
name: 'john',
age: 3
name: 'alice',
age: 2
name: 'mike',
age: 1
var $family = JQ(family);
$family("name === 'john' || age === 1").get(0); // -> { name: 'john', age: 3 }
$family("name === 'john' || age === 1").get(1); // -> { name: 'make', age: 1 }
$family("father_name === 'bob'").get(0).mother_name; // -> 'kathy'
Produces a selector object which take condition expression. JQ take a javascript object or string which can be parsed as JSON.
var JQ = require('JQ').JQ;
var people = {
name: 'john'
name: 'bob'
var $people = JQ(people);
// or
var $people = JQ('{ [ { "name": "john" }, { "name": "bob" } ] }');
Selector accepts a conditional expression to filtering object. In a conditional expression, you can use operators below.
- .(member)
- [](member)
- !
- ~
- typeof
- /
- %
- <<
- <
- <=
- in
- instanceof
- ==
- !=
- ===
- !==
- =~ (JQ original!)
- !~ (JQ original!)
- &
- ^
- |
- &&
- ||
- ?:
Detail of each operators is on MDN(https://developer.mozilla.org/en/JavaScript/Reference/Operators/Operator_Precedence), but [=], [!] operators are JQ original. these are inspired by perl and ruby.
You can use these operators for regex matching.
If you want to change operators precedence, you can use a parenthesis of course.
var messages = [
speaker: 'bob',
message: 'hello'
speaker: 'john',
message: 'hello'
speaker: 'bob',
message: 'good bye'
speaker: 'bob',
message: 'see you again'
var $messages = JQ(messages);
$messages('speaker === "bob" && ( message === "hello" || message === "good bye")');
Return a object which is passed to JQ first.
var obj = { name: "bob", age: 18};
$obj = JQ(obj);
$obj.baseObject === obj // -> true
Return the number of elements in JQ object.
var people = [{ name: "bob" }, { name: "jack" }, { name: "alice" }];
var $people = JQ(people);
$people.size() // -> 1
$people('name === "bob" || name === "alice"').size() // -> 2
Return the nth object in the matched object set
var people = [{ name: "bob" }, { name: "jack" }, { name: "alice" }];
var $people = JQ(people);
$people('name === "bob" || name === "alice"').get() //-> [{ name: "bob" }, { name: "alice" }]
$people('name === "bob" || name === "alice"').get(0) //-> { name: "bob" }
$people('name === "bob" || name === "alice"').get(1) //-> { name: "alice" }
Return the new JQ object that only have the nth object in the matched object set
var people = [{ name: "bob" }, { name: "jack" }, { name: "alice" }];
var $people = JQ(people);
$people('name === "bob" || name === "alice"').eq(1).get(0) //-> { name: "bob" }
Remove all properties from the matched object set.
var people = [{ name: "bob" }, { name: "jack" }, { name: "alice" }];
var $people = JQ(people);
$people('name === "bob" || name === "alice"').empty().get() //-> [{}, {}]
$people //-> [{}, {name: "jack" }, {}]
Return value of a property for the first object in the matched object set
var people = [{ name: "bob" }, { name: "jack" }, { name: "alice" }];
var $people = JQ(people);
$people('name === "bob" || name === "alice"').prop("name") //-> "bob"
$people('name === "bob" || name === "alice"').eq(1).prop("name") //-> "jack"