.png files to visualize the changing min and max temperatures as well as pressure across the globe
this is also my hello_world here on github
the purpose of this repository is to submit my work on the nasa nex challenge
details of the project here https://nex.nasa.gov/nex/static/htdocs/site/extra/opennex/
"Satellite data from the past several decades provide the most consistent record of land-surface processes that form the basis for scientific assessments of the impacts of climate variations/changes on the environment and human social-economical activities. In the past, scientific researchers in physical climate change have focused on large-scale land surface changes with significant social-economic impacts. Changes that occur more locally often receive less attention in the physical climate science literature, despite the fact that these changes are most directly related to the everyday life of the majority of the population. Increasingly, data sets from physical climate science research activities are used for climate assessments and decision support systems at regional to local geographical areas.
NASA recently made a large collection (10’s of terabytes) of climate and earth science satellite data available through the Open NASA Earth Exchange (OpenNEX) platform hosted by Amazon Web Services."