BeTheHero is a platform where NGOs can request currency support, and anyone can help by donating money to their cases.
I started this full-stack project during Semana Omnistack 11 in 2020 to get started on my studies on ExpressJs, React, and React Native. Due to the fact this project was developed in 2020, some features may not work as expected.
BeTheHero was set up with the following technologies:
- server api: ExpressJS
- database: MongoDB
- web interface: ReactJS
- mobile: React Native through Expo
- validations: Express Validator
- tests: Supertest
⚠️ You must run the server module in the background so you can use both the web and the app. -
Optional: See the Postman project.
Note: make sure your NodeJS is updated.
First, install the dependencies in package.json.
> npm install
Now you need to create an account in MongoDB Atlas, create a project named 'BeTheHero', a database named 'bethehero', and then connect to MongoDB through the URI in ./server/src/database/index.js.
Now create a file named .env based on .env.example and insert your values.
Now you're able to run the server.
DEVELOPMENT: > npm run dev
Now your server application must be running at the selected address. You can now execute web and mobile applications.
First, install the dependencies in package.json.
> npm install
Now you're you can run the web application.
> npm start
Now the development server will run, and the addresses of your application will appear on Terminal. The website will also open automatically in your main browser.
First, install the dependencies in package.json.
> npm install
⚠️ IMPORTANT: you'll have to edit api.js file and insert your computer's ID in the baseURL attribute (line 8).
Now you can run the app.
> npm start
Now the Expo DevTools will open in your browser as well as the Metro Bundler. There, you'll be able to choose where you'll run your application. You can choose between:
- Android device or emulator
- iOS device or emulator (emulator available only for macOS)
- Web browser (emulated)
if any errors occurrs, try to run the following command:
> npm audit fix
that the packages will be fixed.
Made by Arthur Diniz da Luz.