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Prometheus and Grafana Intergration

In this excerise we will be installing Prometheus and Grafana using helm to monitor real-time metrics from NGINX Plus ingress controller

What is Prometheus?

Prometheus is an open-source monitoring and alerting toolkit for recording time series data. It is excellent for monitoring both traditional machine-centric and highly dynamic service-oriented architectures.

The following characteristics make Prometheus a good match for monitoring Kubernetes clusters:

  • Pull-based monitoring: Prometheus can dynamically discover and pull metrics from your services running in Kubernetes.
  • Labels: Prometheus and Kubernetes both use a label (key-value) concept that can select objects in the system to aggregate data across the label(s)
  • Exporters: Many exporters are available and enable integrating databases or even other monitoring systems not already providing a way to export metrics to Prometheus.
  • Powerful query language: The Prometheus query language, PromQL, allows aggregate time-series data in real-time. Results can be displayed as a graph, tabular data in the Prometheus expression browser, or consumed by external systems via the HTTP API.

What is Grafana?

Grafana is a very popular open-source metric analytics and visualization suite often paired with Prometheus and other equivalent time series data tools. Grafana accesses data via Data Sources.

What is Helm?

Helm helps you manage Kubernetes applications — Helm Charts help you define, install, and upgrade even the most complex Kubernetes application.


Prometheus and Grafana can be easily deployed using Helm charts. The charts bootstraps Prometheus and Grafana deployments on a Kubernetes cluster using the Helm package manager

There are many variations of Prometheus and Grafana deployments. For this exercise, we will install the Prometheus (kube-prometheus-stack) using helm that requires Kubernetes 1.16+, this helm char bundles a collection of Kubernetes manifests, Grafana dashboards, and Prometheus rules, documentation and scripts to provide easy to operate end-to-end monitoring with Prometheus

Note: By default this chart installs additional, dependent charts:

Ok, now lets get started

Install kube-prometheus-stack using Helm

  1. Make sure to have the Helm package manager ready on your client machine. We will be using Helm 3. Here is the quick install taken from Helm's documentation:
# Install Helm
curl -fsSL -o
chmod 700
  1. Add the offical Prometheus (kube-prometheus-stack) helm chart sources
# Add Prometheus helm chart source
helm repo add prometheus-community
helm repo add stable

# Check it has been added!
helm repo list    

# While we are at it, grab the latest from your chart repositories...
helm repo update

# Now we can find the repo we need for this excerise 
helm search repo prometheus-community/prometheus-stack
# ...And other Prometheus related repos
helm search repo prometheus-community/kube-prometheus-stack
# NOTICE: stable/prometheus is DEPRECATED (outdated) comapared to prometheus-community
helm search repo stable/prometheus
  1. Create a namespace called monitoring to deploy Prometheus and Grafana in
# Create the monitoring namespace
kubectl create ns monitoring
  1. Install kube-prometheus-stack using helm in the monitoring namespace with the recommending options.

We will not provide overrides to default values using a custom values file for this step. Instead, we can use --set-string to pass configuration from the command line and change the default Grafana password only. See values.yaml file from the project repo for all configurable options


By default, Prometheus discovers PodMonitors and ServiceMonitors within its namespace, which are labeled with the same release tag as the prometheus-operator release.

To discover custom PodMonitors or ServiceMonitors, for example, to scrape data from third-party applications, we must allow Prometheus to discover all PodMonitors and ServiceMonitors within its namespace, without applying label filtering. To do so, you can set:




Some resources that lead to the decision to use these options:

Now run the helm install command, This might take a while, so have patience and do not abort:

# Install Prometheus helm chart from the prometheus-community repo with the 
# release name kube-prometheus-stack:
# helm install [RELEASE_NAME] prometheus-community/kube-prometheus-stack -n [namespace]
helm install --set-string grafana.adminPassword=$GRAFANA_PASSWORD \
  --set-string prometheus.prometheusSpec.serviceMonitorSelectorNilUsesHelmValues=false \
  kube-prometheus-stack \
  prometheus-community/kube-prometheus-stack \
  -n monitoring

# See the User supplied values at anytime
helm get values kube-prometheus-stack -n monitoring  

Eventually you will see the similar output upon a successful deployment:

NAME: kube-prometheus-stack
LAST DEPLOYED: Sat Dec 19 19:42:32 2020
NAMESPACE: monitoring
STATUS: deployed
kube-prometheus-stack has been installed. Check its status by running:
  kubectl --namespace monitoring get pods -l "release=kube-prometheus-stack"

Visit for instructions on how to create & configure Alertmanager and Prometheus instances using the Operator.
  1. Inspect the components deployed in the monitoring namespace and confirm the default Grafana password was changed
# Get all from the monitoring namespace
kubectl get all -n monitoring

# Get the grafana dashboard password at any time
kubectl get secret -n monitoring kube-prometheus-stack-grafana  -o jsonpath="{.data.admin-password}" | base64 --decode ; echo

Now you should have Prometheus server, alertmanager, kube-metrics, node exporter, and Grafana deployed (note: push gateway is not installed with this helm chart). Prometheus Helm chart provides default scrape configs to collect metrics from Kubernetes apps inside your cluster.

Prometheus & Grafana Architecture — Image Credit: Sysdig Image Credit: Sysdig

Configure service, serviceMonitor for Prometheus

We will use a serviceMonitor, a custom resource definition (CRD), to describe a set of targets to be monitor by Prometheus, and create a service that defines the scrape URL path and port with the metrics exported from our NGINX Plus Prometheus Exporter

  1. Create a Service and ServiceMonitor definition so Prometheus can target nginx-ingress metrics
# Create the ServiceMonitor:
kubectl apply -f deployments/prometheus-and-grafana/nginx-ingress-metrics-servicemonitor.yml 

# Create the prometheus service:
kubectl apply -f deployments/prometheus-and-grafana/nginx-ingress-metrics-prometheus-service.yaml

Check the servicemonitor and service exists

# Get services in the nginx-ingress namespace:
kubectl get services -n nginx-ingress     

NAME                               TYPE           CLUSTER-IP      EXTERNAL-IP                                                                    PORT(S)                      AGE
nginx-ingress-prometheus-service   ClusterIP    <none>                                                                         9113/TCP                     19s

# Get ServiceMonitor in the monitoring namespace:
kubectl get servicemonitor -n monitoring                           
NAME                    AGE
nginx-ingress-metrics   10s

Import Custom NGINX Plus Ingress Controller Dashboards for Grafana

We can import Dashboard into Grafana in two ways:

  1. Import using UI or from the HTTP API
  2. Import a configmaps during helm install or after and automatically picked up by Grafana

Option A: Import using UI or from the HTTP API

Not covered in this excerise. Refer to the Grafana Documentation to import the Grafana dashboards from the web UI or from the HTTP API,

Option B: Import using ConfigMap

For this excerise we will be importing a custom NGINX Plus Dashboard custom graphs using configmaps to be automatically picked up by Grafana

  1. Inspect the example configMap template for Grafana dashboards

See example below for a configMap template, and note the following:

  • The Label, grafana_dashboard:1, will allow Grafana to automatically pick up the dashboard in the configMap
  • Replace name, my-grafana-dashboard-configmap, with the dashboard name you desire
  • Replace namespace, my-monitoring-namespace, with the correct namespace that your kube-prometheus-stack is deployed in
  • You json formatted Grafana dashboard goes in the data section in the placeholder provided
  • YAML indentation is important. Use a online YAML validator to check your syntax
apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
    grafana_dashboard: "1"
  name: my-grafana-dashboard-configmap
  namespace: my-monitoring-namespace
  my-dashboard.json: |-
      "annotations": {
        "list": [
. this is were your dashboard json goes
  1. Inspect the a complete configMap example including the NGINX Plus dashboard: nginx-plus-grafana-dashboard-configmap.yaml

The NGINX Plus Dashboard in an exported Grafana dashboard json format is NGINXPlusICDashboard.json. See the NGINX Github repo for updated NGINX Plus Grafana Dashboards.

  1. Now import the dashboard using the configMap inspected in the last step
# Deploy our Grafana Dashboard
kubectl apply -f deployments/prometheus-and-grafana/nginx-plus-grafana-dashboard-configmap.yaml -n monitoring 

# Check its there or review at any time
kubectl describe configmaps/nginx-plus-grafana-dashboard-configmap -n monitoring   
  1. You can later see this dashboard imported into Grafana under Dashboards > Manage

See imported dashboards under grafana dashboards manage

Expose Prometheus, Alertmanager and Grafana

There are various ways to expose applications in Kubernetes. For this demo, we will use our existing Ingress to expose Prometheus, Alertmanager, and Grafana Web interfaces outside of Kubernetes.

Option A: Expose services temporarily using Port Forward

Expose Prometheus, Alertmanager and Grafana using port-forward

If Ingress and load balancing is not set up, you can still access the Web interfaces using port forwarding (port-forward)

Find the Pods running the web interfaces for Prometheus, Alertmanager, and Grafana by filtering on the app labels:

# You will find the prometheus frontend app with the label "app=prometheus"
kubectl get pods --namespace=monitoring -l "app=prometheus"

# You will find the alertmanager frontend app with the label "app=alertmanager"
kubectl get pods --namespace=monitoring -l "app=alertmanager"

# You will find the grafana frontend app with the label ""
kubectl get pods --namespace=monitoring -l ""            


  1. Run port-forward to Prometheus using the pod name from the first step or with the following commands
POD_NAME=$(kubectl get pods --namespace monitoring -l "app=prometheus" -o jsonpath="{.items[0]}")
# Forward port prometheus 9090 to localhost:
# kubectl port-forward -n monitoring prometheus-kube-prometheus-stack-prometheus-0 9090
kubectl port-forward -n monitoring $POD_NAME 9090
  1. Now open Prometheus web interface in a web browser:
open http://localhost:9090/graph
  1. You should be able to search and find NGINX ingress metrics

nginx ingress metrics found in prometheus ui

Alert Manager

  1. Run port-forward to Alert Manager using the pod name from the first step or with the following commands
POD_NAME=$(kubectl get pods --namespace monitoring -l "app=alertmanager" -o jsonpath="{.items[0]}")
# Forward port alertmanager 9093 to localhost:
# kubectl port-forward -n monitoring alertmanager-kube-prometheus-stack-alertmanager-0 9093
kubectl --namespace monitoring port-forward $POD_NAME 9093
  1. Now open Alert Manager web interface in a web browser:
open http://localhost:9093/#/alerts
  1. You should be able to view Alert Manager UI

login page to grafana ui


  1. Before we can access the Grafana web interface, we need to get the Grafana admin password when deployed through the helm chart should be prom-operator; you can log in using admin/prom-operator. In any case, you can find it using the kubectl get secret command
# Get the grafana dashboard admin username
kubectl get secret -n monitoring kube-prometheus-stack-grafana  -o jsonpath="{.data.admin-user}" | base64 --decode ; echo

# Get the grafana dashboard admin password
kubectl get secret -n monitoring kube-prometheus-stack-grafana  -o jsonpath="{.data.admin-password}" | base64 --decode ; echo
  1. Run port-forward to Grafana using the pod name from the first step or with the following commands
POD_NAME=$(kubectl get pods --namespace monitoring -l "" -o jsonpath="{.items[0]}")
# Forward port grafana 3000 to localhost:
# kubectl port-forward -n monitoring kube-prometheus-stack-grafana-d4946f7bd-99chc 3000
kubectl --namespace monitoring port-forward $POD_NAME 3000
  1. Now open Grafana web interface in a web browser:
# login with admin / prom-operator
open http://localhost:3000/login
  1. You should be able to log in to grafana using admin and the password specificed in the earlier step

login page to grafana ui

Option B: Expose services using Ingress

We can deploy kube-prometheus-stack along with ingress with helm using custom values (see values.yaml)

However, at the time of writing this lab (December 2020), the embedded Grafana chart doesn't support (yet) the apiVersion:; hence the field ingressClassName is not set, which is a requirement for Kubernetes >= 1.18.0 and Ingress resources that require the ingressClassName fieldset and corresponds to the class of the Ingress Controller the user wants to use. Because of this, we will deploy ingress independent from the helm chart deployment

WARNING: If your Ingress is exposed to the internet, everyone can have full access to your resources. It's strongly recommended to enable an external authentication and Access Controls such as API key, JWT Auth, or AllowList IP addresses

  1. Create an insecure Ingress resources for Prometheus, Alertmanager and Grafana

Note: Expose insecure Ingress on the internet for demo purposes. No Access controls are applied to these exposed services. Your Grafana deployment may be using the default username and password

# Create an ingress for Prometheus
kubectl apply -f deployments/prometheus-and-grafana/prometheus-ingress.yml

# Create an ingress for AlertManager
kubectl apply -f deployments/prometheus-and-grafana/alertmanager-ingress.yml

# Create an ingress for Grafana
kubectl apply -f deployments/prometheus-and-grafana/grafana-ingress.yml
  1. We can confirm the ingress resources were deployed and all are using the ingressClass: nginx, as required for Kubernetes version >= 1.18.0 only
kubectl get ingress -n monitoring
NAME                   CLASS   HOSTS                      ADDRESS   PORTS   AGE
alertmanager-ingress   nginx             80      100s
grafana-ingress        nginx                  80      97s
prometheus-ingress     nginx               80      105s
  1. If you do not already have a LoadBalancer in front of our Ingress Controllers, we can deploy one again for further reliability and convenience

Check to see you have a loadBalancer for nginx-ingress. If so move on to the next step

# Check if you have a 'type=LoadBalancer' service for nginx-ingress
kubectl get services -n nginx-ingress

If you do not have a loadBalancer for nginx-ingress, we can deploy either a ELB or NLB now:

kubectl apply -f deployments/nginx-ingress/aws-elb-loadBalancer.yml
kubectl apply -f deployments/nginx-ingress/aws-nlb-loadBalancer.yml
  1. Now we can accessing Prometheus, Alert Manager and Grafana via Loadbalancer and our Ingress Controller :
# Get External loadBalancer address 
LB=$(kubectl get services/nginx-ingress -n nginx-ingress -o jsonpath='{.status.loadBalancer.ingress[*].hostname}')
LB_IP_ADDRESS=$(dig +short $LB A |  awk 'NR==1')

# Test Access to prometheus
curl -s -L http://$LB -H "Host:" | grep \<title\>

# Test Access to alertmanager
curl -s -L http://$LB -H "Host:" | grep \<title\>

# Test Access to grafana
curl -s -L http://$LB -H "Host:" | grep \<title\>        

You can also add a temporary host file entry and view the application in your web browser

echo "$LB_IP_ADDRESS" | sudo tee -a /etc/hosts


Export Ingress Controller metrics for Prometheus

Now we have our monitoring infrastructure setup; we can now expose our Ingress Controller metrics to Prometheus.

The NGINX Plus Ingress Controller exposes many metrics in the Prometheus format and can be enabled in the Kubernetes manifests or the command-line arguments as custom values when using helm to install the Ingress Controller. See links below to set that up:


Upgrading the Chart

  1. To upgrading the helm chart, run
# helm upgrade [RELEASE_NAME] prometheus-community/kube-prometheus-stack -n [namespace]
helm upgrade kube-prometheus-stack prometheus-community/kube-prometheus-stack

Uninstalling the Chart

  1. To uninstall and delete our helm deployment using our provided release name

The helm delete removes all the Kubernetes components associated with the chart and deletes the release

# Delete helm chart deployment with the release name kube-prometheus-stack:
helm delete kube-prometheus-stack prometheus-community/kube-prometheus-stack -n monitoring
  1. The CRDs created by this chart are not removed by default, to remove them, manually clean up using:
kubectl delete crd
kubectl delete crd
kubectl delete crd
kubectl delete crd
kubectl delete crd
kubectl delete crd
kubectl delete crd
kubectl delete crd

Delete the designated monitoring namespace

  1. Delete the namespace, monitoring, where we deployed Prometheus and Grafana
# Create the monitoring namespace
kubectl delete ns monitoring