Auto updater docker image designed to take a target cluster and update both managed node pools and addon versions to latest releases
Currently EKS updates are... painful. This is a tool to auto update a given clusters dependencies like:
- Addons - find the current default version for a set of addons and update the addon version.
- Managed node AMI - TF doesn't see version changes. This triggers an update of managed node pool
- CAUTION: IF YOU DO NOT have pod disruption budgets or other protections in place, this WILL cause downtime on services.
To update your nodegroups, run the following command:
eks-auto-updater nodegroups \
--cluster-name <cluster-name> \
--region <region> \
--role-arn <role-arn> \
--nodegroup-wait-time <nodegroup-wait-time> \
--nodegroup-name <nodegroup-name>
To update your addons, run the following command:
eks-auto-updater addons \
--cluster-name <cluster-name> \
--region <region> \
--role-arn <role-arn> \
--addons <comma-separated-list-of-addons>
- Possibly update the EKS cluster version?
- Auto update multiple node pools vs. a single one and set of addons
- Lookup addons vs. requiring to be passed
- Lookup addon configuration/identifiy differences vs. just overwriting