Python script to generate channels.conf file for VDR using KingOfSat informations.
It could use a config file to parse full list and produce custom channels.conf file with only favourites channels.
config file format is follow
:[ <group name> ]
<channel name>;<bouquet name>
Can find list of available sat id and bouquets in file. You can update it manually to extend supported KingOfSat list.
usage: [-h] [-u] [-c FILENAME] -l LIST_ID -o FILENAME
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-u, --upper set to upper polarity digit in output
-c FILENAME, --useconfig FILENAME
enable use of config file, searched in "conf"
subfolder, to generate output
-l LIST_ID, --list LIST_ID
set KingOfSat source channels list used to generate
local VDR channels list. Can use one of follow values:
19.2E, 13.0E
enable use of config file, searched in "conf"
subfolder, to generate output
List of all channels not founded is pushed into .missing file
$ python -u -c getchannels.conf -l 13.0E -o channels.conf