pip install powerdataclass
Python 3.7 have introduced a spiritual successor of NamedTuple
: the dataclass
While being nice, the dataclass
type hinting is only, well, hinting.
This library gives you an ability to create dataclasses with field values automatically cast to
the types defined in the dataclass
's type hints:
from powerdataclass import *
class Coordinates(PowerDataclass):
x: int
y: int
c1 = Coordinates(1, 2)
c2 = Coordinates('1', '2')
c3 = Coordinates(**{'x': 1.1, 'y': 2.2})
# >>> c1
Coordinates(x=1, y=2)
# >>> c1 == c2 == c3
This also works with every generic type that has a Python primitive type as its origin. This applies to subscriptable types of any level of nestedness as well:
class Vector(PowerDataclass):
items: List[int]
v1 = Vector(['1', '2', '3'])
v2 = Vector({1.1, 2.2, 3.3})
v3 = Vector(range(1, 4))
# >>> v1
Vector(items=[1, 2, 3])
# >>> v1 == v2 == v3
The typecasting also respects other dataclasses (and Power Dataclasses) declared in type hints. If you pass a mapping or an iterable in place of actual dataclass instance, Power Dataclass will attempt to unpack it to a corresponding dataclass:
class Vector(PowerDataclass):
items: List[int]
class Tensor(PowerDataclass):
vectors: List[Vector]
t1 = Tensor(**{
'vectors': [
{'items': [1, 2, 3]},
{'items': [4, 5, 6]},
([7, 8, 9],),
# >>> t1
Tensor(vectors=[Vector(items=[1, 2, 3]), Vector(items=[4, 5, 6]), Vector(items=[7, 8, 9])])
If a value type is defined as a dataclass and that dataclass can be instantiated with a sole argument, it will be cast as well
class TimestampedIntValue(PowerDataclass):
value: int
timestamp: int = time.time()
class SensorReadings(PowerDataclass):
moon_phase_angle: TimestampedIntValue
mars_surface_temperature: TimestampedIntValue
readings = SensorReadings(122, -70)
# >>> readings
SensorReadings(moon_phase_angle=TimestampedIntValue(value=122, timestamp=1570898094),
mars_surface_temperature=TimestampedIntValue(value=-70, timestamp=1570898094)
You can modify the behaviour of type casting by registering two types of handlers on your fancy PowerDataclass:
- type handlers: a unary method marked as a type handler will be applied to any value that has a matching type declared in your dataclass typehints.
- field handlers: a unary method marked as a field handler will be applied to a value of a specific PDC field.
Those functions must always return a value.
You can do this by marking your methods with special decorators:
class CoolBool(PowerDataclass):
string_bool: bool
negated_bool: bool
def handle_bools(self, v):
if type(v) is str:
return v.lower() in ['y', 'yes', '1', 'True']
return bool(v)
def handle_negated_bools(self, v):
return not self.handle_bools(v)
# >>> CoolBool('yes', 'no')
CoolBool(string_bool=True, negated_bool=True)
Field handlers take precedence over the type handlers. Field handlers and type handlers are scoped to a particular Power Dataclass. Inheritance is respected.
The behaviour of fields can be modified by providing corresponding flags in a field's metadata
provided by base Python dataclasses
Fields are considered non-nullable by default.
This means that if, during instantiation, the value of a field will be equal to None
, a ValueError
exception will
Type casting will be performed on non-null values, except for non-typecast fields (see below)
If a field has a default value, and it is None
, it will be considered nullable.
Also, if you want to accept None
but you either don't want to provide defaults at all, provide a non-null default or
provide a default factory, you can mark your field as nullable by either setting the flag or using a pre-made partial:
class Nihilus(PowerDataclass):
x: int = field(metadata={FieldMeta.NULLABLE: True})
y: int = None
z: list = nullable_field(default_factory=list)
# >>> Nihilus()
# ! TypeError: __init__() missing 1 required positional argument: 'x'
# >>> Nihilus(1)
Nihilus(x=1, y=None, z=[])
# >>> Nihilus('1', '1', (1,))
Nihilus(x=1, y=1, z=[1])
# >>> Nihilus('1', None, None)
Nihilus(x=1, y=1, z=None)
If you want to disable type checking for a specific field you can mark your field as nullable by either setting the
corresponding flag in the fields' metadata
dictionary or using a pre-made partial:
class Noncasted(PowerDataclass):
x: int = field(metadata={FieldMeta.SKIP_TYPECASTING: True})
y: int = noncasted_field()
# >>> Noncasted('1', 2.2)
Noncasted(x='1', y=2.2)
If some of your field processing requires other fields typecast before you can declare this field dependencies by name
by setting the corresponding value in the fields' metadata
class Dependent(PowerDataclass):
a: int
b: int = field(metadata={FieldMeta.DEPENDS_ON_FIELDS: ['a']})
c: int = field(metadata={FieldMeta.DEPENDS_ON_FIELDS: ['d', 'b']})
d: int = field(metadata={FieldMeta.DEPENDS_ON_FIELDS: ['a']})
Fields will be topologically sorted by their dependencies and type casting will be done in this order. For this example, the order will be:
- a
- b
- d
- c
You can use a combination of field handlers and dependent fields to declare calculated fields:
class CubeSquarer(PowerDataclass):
n: int
n_square: int = field(default=None, metadata={FieldMeta.DEPENDS_ON_FIELDS: ['n']})
n_cube: int = calculated_field(depends_on=['n'])
def handle_n_square(self, v):
return self.n ** 2
def handle_n_cube(self, v):
return self.n ** 3
# >>> CubeSquarer(4)
CubeSquarer(n=4, n_square=16, n_cube=256)
It is an error to declare a field as calculatable
without registering a corresponding field_handler
You can modify the behaviour of Power Dataclass by editing the Meta
nested class' attributes.
All Power Dataclasses have a default value for this Meta
nested class equal
to powerdataclass.PowerDataclassDefaultMeta
This Meta
subclass will emulate the behaviour of class variable inheritance, making every attribute of Meta
to powerdataclass.PowerDataclassDefaultMeta
Currently, the following values are now supported:
Name | Default value | Description |
dataclass_init | True | passed to the dataclasses.dataclass constructor. See docs |
dataclass_repr | True | passed to the dataclasses.dataclass constructor. |
dataclass_eq | True | passed to the dataclasses.dataclass constructor. |
dataclass_order | False | passed to the dataclasses.dataclass constructor. |
dataclass_unsafe_hash | False | passed to the dataclasses.dataclass constructor. |
dataclass_frozen | False | passed to the dataclasses.dataclass constructor. |
singleton | False | If True enables the Singleton Mode. |
json_encoder | None | If set, this class will be used as a cls param to json.dumps in PowerDataclass().to_json() See docs. |
json_decoder | None | If set, this class will be used as a cls param to json.loads in PowerDataclass.from_json() See docs. |
as_dict_ignored_when_nested | False | If set to True, this PDC won't be converted when this PDC is nested and wrapping PDC's .as_dict() is called. Can be further ignored if as_dict(force=True) was called. |
Example of setting the Meta
of a PowerDataclass
class PowerDataclassWithNewBehaviour(PowerDataclass):
class Meta:
dataclass_frozen = True
singleton = True
If you set the Meta.singleton
value to True
, your PowerDataclass will turn into
a Singleton.
This means that this PowerDataclass can be instantiated only once, and all further attempts to instantiate this PDC will return that instance instead:
class PDCSingleton(PowerDataclass):
a: int
class Meta:
singleton = True
singleton1 = PDCSingleton(1)
singleton2 = PDCSingleton(2)
# >>> id(singleton1) == id(singleton2)
You can test whether a Singleton has been instantiated by calling the class method .get_instance()
on your Singleton
Mode class.
If there is an instance, it will be returned. Otherwise, None
will lbe returned.
- Automatic recursive conversion to dict with the
method. - Automatic recursive conversion to and from JSON strings with the
The PowerDataclass.merge(other)
allows you to merge two PowerDataclasses, rewriting the fields' values of the first
PDC with the corresponding values of the second PDCs, while retaining the memory address of the first PDC.
class PDC(PowerDataclass):
x: int
y: int
z: int
a = PDC(1, 2, 3)
b = PDC(3, 4, 5)
# >>> id(a) != id(b)
# >>> a.as_dict() == b.as_dict()
A simple dictionary diff can be calculated between two instances of a same PowerDataclass by using the .diff()
class DiffPDC(PowerDataclass):
x: int
y: int
z: int
a = DiffPDC(1, 2, 3)
b = DiffPDC(3, 4, 5)
# >>> a.diff(b)
{'x': (1, 3), 'y': (2, 4), 'z': (3, 5)}
Note that an attempt to compare PowerDataclass
es of different type will result a DiffImpossible
The powerdataclass.powerconfig
package contains two pre-made classes suitable for simple configuration management in
your services.
Those classes are: the PowerConfig
and it's singleton mode subclass, the GlobalPowerConfig
Both of those share two extensions over regular PowerDataclass
can be instantiated from the os environment.PowerDataclass.Meta.envvar_prefix
will be prepended to capitalized names ofPowerConfig
's fields' names.class Config(PowerConfig): a: int class Meta: envvar_prefix = "CNF" # >>> Config.from_environ() Config(a=5)
This class method will read the OS environment variable
. In this example. it ts assumed that this variable is present and is equal to5
. -
there is a predefined
for thebool
type, which casts string values in(y, yes, 1, True)
Made with ⚡ by Arish Pyne (https://github.com/arishpyne/powerdataclass)