client server model of rust and svelte
looking to integrate with android ? check this repo
a general request response model, good for invoking single command in rust
- javascript send a request
import { invoke } from "@tauri-apps/api/core";
let message = "Send message to rust"
let response = invoke("custom_command", { message })
- rust return a response
pub fn custom_command(message: &str) -> String {
println!("From JS: {message}");
- With svelte, we can use the
import { invoke } from "@tauri-apps/api/core";
let promise = $state(Promise.resolve("None"));
let message = $state("Send message to rust");
function send() {
promise = invoke("custom_command", { message })
{#await promise}
{:then msg}
`{msg}` from rust
{:catch err}
Error: {err?.message ?? "Fatal Error"}
<button onclick={send}>
see svelte example in src/routes/Command.svelte
see rust example in src-tauri/src/
simmilar to request response, but the response is streamed down
good for user feedback in long running process that progress is made instead of just a loading state
- javascript send a request, and set hook on stream received
import { Channel, invoke } from "@tauri-apps/api/core";
let progress = 0;
// channel only valid for one invoke
let channel = new Channel<ProgressEvent>()
channel.onmessage = ({ event, data }) => {
if (event == "progress") {
progress += data.chunk;
let _response = await invoke("progress_channel", { channel });
- rust stream data down
pub enum ProgressEvent {
Progress {
chunk: i32,
pub async fn progress_channel(channel: tauri::ipc::Channel<ProgressEvent>) {
for i in 1..=6 {
let result = simulate_long_process(i);
channel.send(ProgressEvent::Progress { chunk: result, }).unwrap();
channel.send(ProgressEvent::Progress { chunk: 4, }).unwrap();
async fn simulate_long_process(i: i32) -> i32 {
use tokio::time::sleep;
use std::time::Duration;
sleep(Duration::from_millis((i * 100 + 200).try_into().unwrap())).await
in svelte we can again, use {#await}
tag, changing value
on stream, and its reactive
see svelte example in src/routes/Channel.svelte
see rust example in src-tauri/src/