at higher level, config split into builtin config and plugins config
, contains builtin keymapsset.lua
, contain flags and commandsutil.lua
, more advance functionality
this config does not use any plugin manager
every plugin is manually git cloned and pulled
updating plugins:
for i in `ls -1`; do (cd $i;git pull &); done
contain non-lsp plugins:
, color themenvim-treesitter/nvim-treesitter
, treesittertpope/vim-fugitive
, git stuffnvim-telescope/telescope
, fuzzyfindertheprimeagen/harpoon
, pin file to a keybindnumToStr/Comment.nvim
, commentingfolke/todo-comments.nvim
, highlight todo markernvim-neo-tree/neo-tree.nvim
, file browser
contain lsp related plugins:
lsp can be turned off altogether with LSP=0
env variable
especially rust lsp with RUST_LSP=0
env variable
contains vscode style snippets via luasnip.loaders.from_vscode