We proposed a new framework, CROWN, to certify robustness of neural networks with general activation functions including but not limited to ReLU, tanh, sigmoid, arctan, etc. CROWN is efficient and can deliver lower bounds of minimum adversarial distortions with guarantees (the so-called certified lower bound or certified robustness).
We compare CROWN with various certified lower bounds methods including Global Lipschitz constant and Fast-Lin and show that CROWN can certify much large lower bound than the Global Lipschitz constant based approach while improve the quality (up to 28%) of robustness lower bound on ReLU networks of state-of-the-art robustness certification algorithms Fast-Lin. We also compare CROWN with robustness score estimate CLEVER and adversarial attack methods (CW,EAD). Please See Section 4 and Appendix E of our paper for more details.
Cite our work:
Huan Zhang*, Tsui-Wei Weng*, Pin-Yu Chen, Cho-Jui Hsieh and Luca Daniel, "Efficient Neural Network Robustness Certification with General Activation Functions", NuerIPS 2018. (* Equal Contribution)
author = "Huan Zhang AND Tsui-Wei Weng AND Pin-Yu Chen AND Cho-Jui Hsieh AND Luca Daniel",
title = "Efficient Neural Network Robustness Certification with General Activation Functions",
booktitle = "Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems (NuerIPS)",
year = "2018",
month = "dec"
The code is tested with python3 and TensorFlow v1.8 and v1.10. We suggest to use Conda to manage your Python environments. The following Conda packages are required:
conda install pillow numpy scipy pandas tensorflow-gpu h5py
conda install --channel numba llvmlite numba
grep 'AMD' /proc/cpuinfo >/dev/null && conda install nomkl
You will also need to install Gurobi and its python bindings if you want to try the LP based methods.
After installing prerequisites, clone our repository:
git clone https://github.com/huanzhang12/CROWN-Robustness-Certification.git
cd CROWN-Robustness-Certification
Our pretrained models can be download here:
wget http://jaina.cs.ucdavis.edu/datasets/adv/relu_verification/models_crown.tar
tar xvf models_crown.tar
This will create a models
folder. We include all models reported in our paper.
We have provided an interfacing script, run.sh
to reproduce the experiments in our paper.
Usage: ./run.sh model modeltype layer neuron norm solver target --activation ACT
- model: mnist or cifar
- modeltype: vanilla (undefended), adv_retrain (adversarially trained)
- layer: number of layers (2,3,4 for MNIST and 5,6,7 for CIFAR)
- neuron: number of neurons for each layer (20 or 1024 for MNIST, 2048 for CIFAR)
- norm: p-norm, 1,2 or i (infinity norm)
- solver: adaptive (CROWN-adaptive for improved bounds for ReLU Networks), general (CROWN-general for networks with general activation functions)
- target: least, top2 (runner up), random, untargeted
- --activation: followed by a activation function of network (relu, tanh, sigmoid or arctan)
The main interfacing code is main.py
, which provides additional options. Use python main.py -h
to explore these options.
For example, to evaluate the Linf robustness of MNIST 3*[1024] adversarially trained model using CROWN-adaptive on least likely targets, run
./run.sh mnist adv_retrain 3 1024 i adaptive least
A log file will be created in the logs
folder. The last line of the log (starting with [L0]) will report the average
robustness lower bounds on 100 MNIST test images. Lines starting with [L1] reports per-image information.
tail logs/mnist/3/mnist_adv_retrain_3_1024_Li_adaptive_least_none_*.log
[L0] model = models/mnist_3layer_relu_1024_adv_retrain, avg robustness_gx = 0.21916, numimage = 96, total_time = 85.4255
The adversarially trained model (with adversarial examples crafted by PGD with eps = 0.3) has a robustness lower bound of 0.21916.
Similarly, to evaluate the L1 robustness of MNIST 3*[20] model with tanh activation on random targets using CROWN-general, run the following command:
./run.sh mnist vanilla 3 20 1 general random --activation tanh
The following result in log file is obtained:
[L0] model = models/mnist_3layer_tanh_20, avg robustness_gx = 1.42974, numimage = 97, total_time = 14.1968
We provide our pre-trained MNIST and CIFAR models that are used in the paper here.
To train a new multilayer perceptron (MLP) model, we provide the training script
to train a n-layer MLP with k hidden neurons per layer. For example, n = 4, k = 20, dataset = MNIST, activation = relu, save model name = mnist_4layer_relu_20:
python train_nlayer.py 20 20 20 --model mnist --activation relu --lr LEARNING_RATE --epochs EPOCHS --modelfile mnist_4layer_relu_20
- Put your saved model
in the foldermodels
mkdir models
mv mnist_4layer_relu_20 models/
- Evaluate the saved model
and compare with the following methods reported in the paper: CROWN, Fast-Lin, Fast-Lip, Op-norm, LP-Full, LP
- If you want to run
(the adaptive upper and lower bounds on ReLU activations, this improves Fast-Lin's result) with random target and L_inf norm on one image:
python main.py --model mnist --hidden 20 --numlayer 4 --targettype random --norm i --numimage 1 --activation relu --method general
- If you want to run
on the same model:
python main.py --model mnist --hidden 20 --numlayer 4 --targettype random --norm i --numimage 1 --activation relu --method ours
- If you want to run
on the same model:
python main.py --model mnist --hidden 20 --numlayer 4 --targettype random --norm i --numimage 1 --activation relu --method ours --lipsbnd fast
- If you want to run
(the global lipschitz constant based approach, see [3])
python main.py --model mnist --hidden 20 --numlayer 4 --targettype random --norm i --numimage 1 --activation relu --method spectral
- If you want to run
(the convex outer polytope approach, casted as Linear/Quadratic programming, see Formulation in [18]):
python main.py --model mnist --hidden 20 --numlayer 4 --targettype random --norm i --numimage 1 --activation relu --method LPFULL
(please install gurobipy in advance)
- If you want to run
(the convex outer polytope approach. The intermediate bounds are obtained by Fast-Lin and only solve one LP at the last layer.)
python main.py --model mnist --hidden 20 --numlayer 4 --targettype random --norm i --numimage 1 --activation relu --method LP
For more argument options, please use --help
to check:
python train_nlayer.py --help
python main.py --help
Note that in our experiments we set the number of threads to 1 for a fair comparison to other methods.
To enable multithreaded computing, changing the number 1
in run.sh
to the number of cores in your system.
The code in this repository is released under Apache-2.0 License and is intended to reproduce paper results only (see LICENSE for more details).