Puppet module for installing and managing Riemann, the event agregation and monitoring tool.
This module is also available on the Puppet Forge
The module includes three main components:
include riemann
include riemann::dash
include riemann::tools
Riemann represents the Riemann daemon and associated configuration, riemann:dash the dashboard and riemann::tools the client and a couple of daemons for pushing example data into Riemann.
The riemann class has some defaults that can be overridden, for instance if you wanted a specific version of riemann:
class { 'riemann': version => '0.1.1' }
More useful is probably the ability to override the default configuration file.
class { 'riemann': config_file => '/etc/riemann.config' }
In this last case you're responsible for making sure that file exists, via another puppet resource or otherwise.
For a fully working example of this module you may also be interested in the riemann-vagrant project.