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Known bugs and changelog

Tim Sharii edited this page Jun 28, 2019 · 35 revisions

Version 0.9.2

  • Add more IIR filters: Bessel, Chebyshev-I & II, Elliptic, Thiran
  • Add TfToSos / SosToTf methods to DesignFilter class for working with second-order sections
  • Add Savitzky-Golay filter (window size up to 31; derivatives 0, 1, 2)
  • Add PolyphaseSystem class
  • Add HarmonicPercussiveSeparator class
  • Add Stft methods: MagnitudePhaseSpectrogram()/ReconstructMagnitudePhase()
  • Add Remez class for equiripple FIR filter design
  • Add methods FirWin(Lp|Hp|Bp|Bs) and FirEquiripple(Lp|Hp|Bp|Bs) to DesignFilter class
  • Important change in interface and implementation of LTI filter classes (more in tutorial soon):
// code in versions before 0.9.2
var filter = DesignFilter.FirLp(145, 0.15f);
var impulseResponse = filter.ImpulseResponse();
var magnitudeResponse = filter.FrequencyResponse().Magnitude;
var tf = filter.Tf;

// became:
var filter = new FirFilter(DesignFilter.FirLp(145, 0.15));
var impulseResponse = filter.Tf.ImpulseResponse();
var magnitudeResponse = filter.Tf.FrequencyResponse().Magnitude;
var tf = filter.Tf;  // looks the same, but now it's more optimized

// in short:
// FirFilter / IirFilter classes are now used only for filtering.
// Everything related to filter design & analysis as of ver.0.9.2
// is concentrated in TransferFunction class. It was here before,
// but FDA responsibilities were somewhat mixed between filters and Tf.

// Filter objects contained arrays of both 32-bit and 64-bit coefficients
// although filtering was (and still is) done with 32-bit floats
// and FDA was (and still is) done with 64-bit doubles.

// As of ver.0.9.2 filters contain only 32-bit coefficients for filtering
// and the reference to TransferFunction object (not null - only if needed).
// TF objects contain 64-bit numerator / denominator coefficients.

var filter = new IirFilter(new[] { 1, 0.2, -0.3 }, new[] { 1, 0.9 });
var tf = filter.Tf;
// in this case TransferFunction will be generated on the fly
// from 32-bit floats (so we'll lose precision).
// Internal Tf object of the filter is still null.
// Memory efficient, but this filter maybe lacks precision for filter analysis.
// If we need just to filter data, this is the best solution.

var filter = new IirFilter(new TransferFunction(new[] { 1, 0.2, -0.3 }, new[] { 1, 0.9 }));
var tf = filter.Tf;
// here the filter stores the reference to TF with 64-bit precision
// and Tf property returns this reference.
// If we use this filter only for filtering, then this constructor is redundant
// and memory inefficient.

// Surely, we can work just with TF object, without any filter objects:

var tf = new TransferFunction(new[] { 1, 0.2, -0.3 }, new[] { 1, 0.9 });
var zeros = tf.Zeros;
var freqResponse = tf.FrequencyResponse(1024);
// etc.

// 64-bit precision:
var tf1 = new TransferFunction(b, a);
var tf2 = new TransferFunction(d, c);
var tf = tf1 * tf2;

// 32-bit precision:
var filter1 = new IirFilter(b, a);
var filter2 = new TransferFunction(d, c);
var filter = filter1 * filter2;

// also:
var hpFilter = DesignFilter.LpToHp(lpFilter);
var lowpass  = DesignFilter.HpToLp(hpFilter);
var bpFilter = DesignFilter.FirBp(123, 0.05f, 0.15f);
var brFilter = DesignFilter.FirBr(201, 0.08f, 0.23f, WindowTypes.Kaiser);

// became:
var hpFilter = DesignFilter.FirLpToHp(lpFilter);
var lowpass  = DesignFilter.FirHpToLp(hpFilter);
var bpFilter = DesignFilter.FirWinBp(123, 0.05, 0.15);
var brFilter = DesignFilter.FirWinBr(201, 0.08, 0.23, WindowTypes.Kaiser);
  • Add Griffin-Lim method to Stft class (planned)
  • Add Plp extractor (planned)
  • Add wavelets (planned)

Version 0.9.1

  • Add adaptive filters (LMS variations, LMF, RLS)
  • Add Hartley transform
  • Add Mellin transform
  • Add wavetable and ADSR signal builders
  • Add PitchShiftVocoderEffect class
  • Add parameter int parallelThreads in ParallelComputeFrom method of feature extractors
  • Add overloaded versions of ParallelComputeFrom methods with startSample and endSample parameters
  • Implement online processing methods in SpectralSubtractor, WhisperEffect, RobotEffect, MorphEffect
  • Phase Vocoder with Identity Phase Locking is used by default for TSM (instead of WSOLA)
  • Trim feature names in FeatureDescriptions list of multi-feature extractors
  • Move PitchExtractor to FeatureExtractors namespace
  • Fix bug with incorrectly working pre-emphasis filter in Lpc/LpccExtractor
  • Size of FFT in Pncc/SpnccExtractor is 0 by default (it'll be auto-derived)
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