- Install Tomcat 9+
- Install MySQL 5.7
- Set password
for MySQL userroot
- Run maven
phase to create war file and run database migration - Deploy created war file to local tomcat
-DfrontURI={web site url}
-Ddb.username={db username}
-Ddb.password={db password}
-Ddb.host={db host name or ip in docker}
-Ddb.publicPort={db port on host}
-Ddb.port={db port in docker}
-Ddb.publicHost={db host or ip}
DB migration is implemented using Liquibase tool. It is started automatically when you execute maven package
It's also possible to run only db migration manually:
For local DB:
mvn resources:resources liquibase:update
For remote DB (need to specify build profile and DB password):
mvn resources:resources liquibase:update -P staging -Ddb.password=XXX
Latest migration can be rolled back this way (will work only if rollback logic was implemented for changeset):
mvn resources:resources liquibase:rollback -Dliquibase.rollbackCount=1
To mark all migrations as applied without actually executing them use command below (can be useful on prod or staging):
mvn resources:resources liquibase:changelogSync -P staging -Ddb.password=XXX