Simple PHP wrapper to the pdfinfo unix tool.
Inspired by
pdfinfo is an unix tool helping extract information from pdf files.
You can get metadata, page count and rotation for every page, etc.
First you need to have pdfinfo in your system.
For ubuntu, there's an easy way for doing this:
sudo apt-get install poppler-utils
You can just download the file to your project, or install it via composer:
composer require apilayer/pdfinfo
Just pass the path to the pdf file to the constructor, and you can get metadata from its properties immediately:
$pdf = new PDFInfo('path/to/the/pdf');
echo $pdf->title; // Get the title
echo $pdf->pages; // Get the number of pages
This library throws 4 kind of exceptions to represent the official exit codes.
- OpenPDFException
- OpenOutputException
- PDFPermissionException
- OtherException
Check the official documentation for more information.
Currently this library supports the following metadata:
- title
- author
- creator
- producer
- creationDate
- modDate
- tagged
- form
- pages
- encrypted
- pageSize
- pageSizes
- fileSize
- optimized
- PDFVersion
- pageRot
- pageRots
Environment variables configuration:
- location of PDFInfo executablePDFINFO_PAGE_LIMIT
- last page to process, defaults to 999