This repo is accompanying our paper "Real-Time Reinforcement Learning" (
Traditional Reinforcement Learning Real-Time Reinforcement Learning
This repo can be pip-installed via
pip install git+
To train an RTAC agent on the basic Pendulum-v0
task run
python -m rtrl run rtrl:RtacTraining
To install Mujoco you follow the instructions at openai/gym or have a look at our dockerfile
. The following environments were used in the paper.
To train an RTAC agent on HalfCheetah-v2
python -m rtrl run rtrl:RtacTraining
To train a SAC agent on Ant-v2
with a real-time wrapper (i.e. RTMDP in the paper) run
python -m rtrl run rtrl:SacTraining Env.real_time=True
Avenue (Ibrahim et al., 2019) can be pip-installed via
pip install git+
To train an RTAC agent to drive on a race track (right video) run
python -m rtrl run rtrl:RtacAvenueTraining
Note that this requires a lot of resources, especially memory (16GB+).
python -m rtrl run
just prints stats to stdout. To save stats use the following instead.
python -m rtrl run-fs experiment-1 rtrl:RtacTraining
Stats are generated and printed every round
but only saved to disk every epoch
. The stats will be saved as pickled pandas dataframes in experiment-1/stats
This repo supports checkpointing. Every epoch
the whole run object (e.g. instances of
) is pickled to disk and reloaded. This is to ensure reproducibilty.
You can manually load and inspect pickled run instances with the standard pickle:load
or the more convenient rtrl:load
. For example, to look at the first transition in a SAC agent's replay memory run
import rtrl
run = rtrl.load('experiment-1/state')