Pre-releaseWhat's Changed
- Compatible with Apache Dubbo [3.1.x](https://github.com/apache/dubbo/tree/3.1)
[dubbo-cluster-specify-address-dubbo2]support v2 ip spec by @wxbty in [#179](#179)
[dubbo-cluster-polaris-dubbo2] Add polaris extensions support by @andrewshan in [#184](#184)
[dubbo-filter-polaris-dubbo2] feat: separate the circuitbreaker and ratelimit filters, to make it more decompose to developers by @andrewshan in #187
[dubbo-filter-seata] Set seata core as optional dependency by @AlbumenJ in #188
[dubbo-gateway-extensions] add Gateway mode extension by @wxbty in [#205](#205)
[polaris ] support polaris circuitbreaker ability by @chuntaojun in [#212](#212)
[Cross thread] tag corss thread by annotation in dubbo-cross-thread-extensions by @carlvine500 in [#215](#215)
[tag subnets] add tag by subnets for near-rpc by @carlvine500 in [#216](#216)
[Serialization] add fury serialization framework to dubbo by @chaokunyang in [#226](#226)
[dubbo-serialization-jackson] Add jackson serialization extension by @aofall in [#231](#231)
Compatible with Apache Dubbo 3.1.0 branch by @aofall in #334
- Bugfix of retries and missing field by @wxbty in [#182](#182)
- Fix revert error description by @wxbty in [#209](#209)
- Fix move the recourse file to the corrent path in dubbo-serialization-jackson by @aofall in [#233](#233)
- Explicitly call out hessian-rpc is unstafe by default by @raboof in [#196](#196)
- Auto gen code tree doc by @songxiaosheng in [#224](#224)
- 📝 visit code tree to gen doc by @songxiaosheng in [#227](#227)
Dependency Upgrade
- Update kryo 5.3.0 -> 5.4.0 by @wxbty in [#190](https://github.com/apache/dubbo-spi-extensions/pull/190)](https://github.com/apache/dubbo-spi-extensions/pull/190)
- Update snakeyaml 1.32 -> 2.0 [#208](https://github.com/apache/dubbo-spi-extensions/pull/208)]
- Update grpc-protobuf 1.31.1 -> 1.53.0 [#214](#214)
- Update org.springframework:spring-framework-bom 4.3.29.RELEASE -> 4.3.30.RELEASE [#217](#217) [#218](#218) [#219](#219) [#220](#220) [#221](#221) [#222](#222) [#223](#223)
- Update jetcd vertsion 0.5.7 -> 0.7.7 by @aofall in [#398](#398)
- Update Dubbo vertsion 3.12 -> 3.1.11 by @aofall in [#398](#398)
- Update jetcd vertsion 0.5.7 -> 0.7.7 by @aofall in [#416](#416)
New Contributors
- @andrewshan made their first contribution in #184
- @raboof made their first contribution in #196
- @chuntaojun made their first contribution in #212
- @carlvine500 made their first contribution in #215
- @chaokunyang made their first contribution in #226
Full Changelog: v1.0.3...v3.1.0