- Node.js v0.10.x+
You can check if you have Node and npm installed by typing:
$ node --version && npm --version
If you need to upgrade or install Node, the easiest way is to use an installer for your platform. Download the .msi for Windows or .pkg for Mac from the NodeJS website.
- Git You can check if you have Git installed by typing:
$ git --version
If you don't have Git, grab the installers from the git website.
Once you’ve got Node installed, install the Grunt and Bower:
$ npm install --g bower grunt-cli
(Make sure above commands execute with sudo/administrator permissions depending on OS eg, UNIX)
To clone the grunt-wavemaker-theme repository, use git clone:
git clone https://github.com/wavemaker/grunt-wavemaker-theme.git cd grunt-wavemaker-theme npm install
+--src | +--web | +--style.less | +--variable.less | +--.wmproject.properties | +--theme.png | +--fonts/ | +--mobile | +--android | +--style.less | +--variable.less | +--fonts/ | +--ios | +--style.less | +--variable.less | +--fonts/ | +.wmproject.properties | +theme.png | +--bootswatch | +--style.less | +--variable.less | +--bootswatch.less | +--.wmproject.properties | +--theme.png | +--fonts/ +--dist | +--web.zip | +--mobile.zip | +--bootswatch.zip +--Gruntfile.js | +--package.json | +--bower.json
There will be references to Roboto regular fonts in the variables.less(src/web), to avail them please download Roboto regular fonts and paste them in fonts directory(src/web/fonts).
To build the WaveMaker Theme run the below command from grunt-wavemaker-theme directory
cd grunt-wavemaker-theme grunt themes