This commit does not belong to any branch on this repository, and may belong to a fork outside of the repository.
* chore: 🤖 更新 changelog 文件 (#2186) * fix: 复制时移除空控制符 (#2204) fix: 移除空控制符 Co-authored-by: 沫君 <[email protected]> * fix: 系统拦截快捷键后多选交互异常 (#2191) * fix: 系统拦截快捷键后多选交互异常 * test: 增加测试用例 --------- Co-authored-by: 沫君 <[email protected]> * fix: 修复 meta name 同名时,hoverFocus 出错的问题 (#2187) * docs: 更新自定义datacell示例 (#2208) Co-authored-by: 沫君 <[email protected]> * feat: 行列头和数值为空时,不渲染表格框架 (#2207) * feat: 当用户还未配置行列头和数值时,不渲染 * feat: 当用户还未配置行列头和数值时,不渲染表格框架 * test: 添加行列头和数值为空时,不渲染表格框架的单测 --------- Co-authored-by: zishang <[email protected]> * fix: 修复总计小计被意外 format 的问题 (#2209) * fix(core): only do compatibility of shift + scroll on Windows (#2206) * fix(core): only do compatibility of shit + scroll on Windows * fix(core): only do compatibility of shit + scroll on Windows - add test case --------- Co-authored-by: stone <[email protected]> * chore: 🤖 更新 changelog 文件 (#2213) * fix(core): can not set field height or width when the field name is surrounded by square brackets (#2212) Co-authored-by: Jinke Li <[email protected]> * fix: 明细表存在横向滚动条时多列头文本不居中 close #2199 (#2200) Co-authored-by: Jinke Li <[email protected]> * feat: 在行列头配置为空时,趋势分析表不渲染框架 (#2216) * feat: 当用户还未配置行列头和数值时,不渲染 * feat: 当用户还未配置行列头和数值时,不渲染表格框架 * feat: 当 dataCfg 配置为空时,不展示空框架,兼容趋势分析表 * test: 添加当 dataCfg 配置为空时,不展示空框架,兼容趋势分析表单测 * test: 添加趋势分析表中自定义 cornerExtraFieldText 相关单测 --------- Co-authored-by: zishang <[email protected]> * fix(core): can reset tooltip.renderTooltip in setOptions (#2210) Co-authored-by: Jinke Li <[email protected]> * fix: 修复树状模式下,总计小计格式化问题 (#2219) * fix: 修复树状模式下,总计小计格式化问题 * fix: 修改 active border 绘制顺序 * test: 单测修复 * fix: 修复 dataCell linkField 不能点击的问题 (#2227) * chore: 🤖 更新 changelog 文件 (#2221) * chore: 🤖 更新 changelog 文件 (#2228) * fix(core): highlight the column header cell and row header when data cell clicked (#2211) Co-authored-by: Jinke Li <[email protected]> Co-authored-by: 刘嘉一 <[email protected]> * docs: type InteractionStateTheme (#2234) * fix(interaction): 修复列头隐藏后展开 icon 显示异常 close #2194 (#2224) Co-authored-by: 卿珂 <[email protected]> * feat: 表格滚动后触发hover (#2235) * feat: trigger hover after scroll * chore: rename property and add note * test: should trigger mousemove after scroll * chore: ci pass * feat: add option to control hover after scroll * test: set hover after scroll option to true * docs: hover after scroll - description in interaction chapter - one demo * chore: config button in react playground * chore: update screenshot link --------- Co-authored-by: 刘嘉一 <[email protected]> * fix(react): 更新react分页器定义 (#2238) * fix(react): correct `showPagination` type * docs: correct `showPagination` type * chore: correct `showPagination` type - update `showPagination` type in react playground - update correct callback in s2 site demo --------- Co-authored-by: 刘嘉一 <[email protected]> * feat: support separate config of `hoverHighlight` (#2226) * chore: 🤖 更新 changelog 文件 (#2245) * docs: update DATA_CELL_SELECT_MOVE event (#2248) * fix: 交叉表圈选表头复制内容不正确 (#2254) * fix(core): 使用客户端的位置来计算调整大小的偏移量 (#2273) * fix(core): 删除范围选择中的错误拦截器 (#2263) * fix(core): 悬停角头单元格后显示图标 (#2261) Co-authored-by: Jinke Li <[email protected]> * docs: 更新 FAQ 和 文档示例 (#2276) Co-authored-by: 卿珂 <[email protected]> * feat: 为 react 编辑组件添加 onDataCellEditEnd 事件 (#2247) * fix(core): 文本区域高度不应超过视口高度 (#2265) Co-authored-by: Jinke Li <[email protected]> * fix(core): 调用 `setOptions` 设置 `brushSelection` (#2257) * docs: 完善 tooltip 文档 (#2281) Co-authored-by: 卿珂 <[email protected]> * chore: 🤖 更新 changelog 文件 (#2282) * fix(table-sheet): 修复明细表获取到错误的实际渲染内容高度 (#2290) Co-authored-by: 卿珂 <[email protected]> * fix: 点击列头后hover拦截消失 (#2288) Co-authored-by: 沫君 <[email protected]> * chore: 🤖 更新 changelog 文件 (#2293) * perf(react): 防止不必要的重新渲染 (#2250) * chore: `setDataCfg` 函数类型优化 (#2286) * fix: 修复复制整行时错位 (#2278) * fix: 修复复制整行时错位 * fix: 修复选行复制时的排序问题 --------- Co-authored-by: owen.wjh <[email protected]> * fix: condition.mapping 返回值与文档不符合,允许返回undefined与null (#2320) Co-authored-by: hekunyu <[email protected]> * chore: 🤖 更新 changelog 文件 (#2306) * fix(scroll): 修复移动端快速滚动时控制台报错 close #2266 (#2302) fix(scroll): 修复移动端滚动时控制台报错 close #2266 Co-authored-by: 卿珂 <[email protected]> * fix(scroll): 修复调用 scrollWithAnimation 后 unmount 表格导致频繁报错 (#2317) * fix(scroll): 修复调用 scrollWithAnimation 后 unmount 表格导致频繁报错 * fix(scroll): 修复调用 scrollWithAnimation 后 unmount 表格导致频繁报错 - 添加单测 --------- Co-authored-by: 晓峦 <[email protected]> Co-authored-by: Jinke Li <[email protected]> * feat: 趋势分析表无波动的字体不用红绿色显示 (#2339) * feat: 趋势分析表无波动的字体不用红绿色显示 * refactor: 判0逻辑合并到isZeroOrEmptyValue --------- Co-authored-by: huiyu.zjt <[email protected]> * fix: 优化 handleDimensionValueFilter 复杂度 (#2325) * feat: 交叉表行头叶子节点支持斑马纹风格 (#2332) * feat: 行头叶子节点支持crossBackgroundColor * feat: 行头叶子节点支持crossBackgroundColor * refactor: 函数命名getCrossBackgroundColor、测试用例使用createPivotSheet --------- Co-authored-by: huiyu.zjt <[email protected]> * fix(table-facet): 修复过滤多列时,删除一列过滤将同时清空后续过滤列 (#2323) * docs: 完善交互主题配置 (#2344) * chore: 🤖 更新 changelog 文件 (#2345) * feat: 对比值无波动时也显示灰色 (#2351) * feat: 趋势分析表无波动的字体不用红绿色显示 * refactor: 判0逻辑合并到isZeroOrEmptyValue * feat: 对比值与原始值相同时也使用灰色 * fix: 单测断言修复 --------- Co-authored-by: huiyu.zjt <[email protected]> * feat: 小计/总计功能,支持按维度分组汇总 (#2346) * feat(Api): 添加 totalDimensionGroup/subTotalDimensionGroup api,以及一些临时的开发函数 * feat(Hierarchy): 总计小计结点下添加Hierarchy * feat(Render): getMultipleMap 实现,计算总计小计下的布局信息 * feat(Render): 按维度分组的小计总计下表头位置的调整和渲染 * feat(DataSet): 存在维度分组时的汇总值获取 * feat(DataSet): 存在维度分组时的汇总值获取 * feat(DataSet): 存在维度分组时的汇总值获取 * feat: 补充注释 * feat: 单测快照更新,添加isTotalRoot属性 * fix: 有多个 Value 时不允许隐藏度量列 * fix: 有多个 Value 时不允许隐藏度量列 * fix: 删除了一个莫名其妙的函数 * test: 按维度分组汇总能力单测 * docs: 按维度分组汇总能力文档 * test: 更新,多度量指标不允许隐藏指标头 * docs: 图片示例 * test: 更新 snap 数据文件 * chore: 版本号更新 * chore: 版本号更新 * chore: 版本号更新 * chore: 版本号更新 * chore: 版本号更新 * chore: 版本号更新 * chore: 版本号更新 * Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/Juze_TotalsDimGroup' into Juze_TotalsDimGroup * test: 更新快照 * chore: 删除开发测试文件 * fix: 汇总指标节点也是汇总节点 * chore: 删除无用文件 * fix: isTotalRoot 替换 isTotals * fix: isTotalRoot 替换 isTotals * fix: isTotalRoot 替换 isTotals * test: 更新 React 包快照 * fix: 修复树状模式下总计节点的指标节点没有被格式化数据 * refactor: 修改代码风格和编码规范 * test: 修改代码风格和编码规范 * test: 修改代码风格和编码规范 * test: 修改代码风格和编码规范 * chore: 更改 interface 命名规范 --------- Co-authored-by: JuZe <[email protected]> Co-authored-by: Wenjun Xu <[email protected]> Co-authored-by: Jinke Li <[email protected]> * chore: 🤖 更新 changelog 文件 (#2356) * fix(layout): 修复隐藏结点时对父节点的布局计算错误 close #2355 (#2360) * fix(layout): 修复隐藏结点时对父节点的布局计算错误 close #2355 * chore: 增加废弃标记 --------- Co-authored-by: JuZe <[email protected]> * docs: 修复 headerActionIcons 错误文档 close #2362 (#2363) * fix(table-sheet): 明细表数据为空时错误的展示一行空数据 close #2255 (#2357) * fix(table-sheet): 明细表数据为空时错误的展示一行空数据 close #2255 * test: 修复测试 * test: 修复测试 * fix: 重命名 --------- Co-authored-by: Wenjun Xu <[email protected]> * fix: 列头绘制多列文本时错误的使用了数值单元格的样式 close #2359 (#2364) * chore: 🤖 更新 changelog 文件 (#2369) * fix: 修复分组汇总时,按汇总排序获取排序数据为空 (#2370) * fix: 修复指标不在最后一级配置与分组汇总同时使用时,获取数据为空 * fix: 修复指标不在最后一级配置与分组汇总同时使用时,获取数据为空 * test: 增加分组汇总时按汇总排序单测 * test: 增加分组汇总时按汇总排序单测 * chore: 优化代码可读,getMultiData 使用对象传参 * chore: 优化代码可读,getMultiData 使用对象传参 * chore: 优化代码可读,getMultiData 使用对象传参 * chore: getMultiData 使用传参格式改回 * chore: 改名为 includeTotalData 参数名以及文档 * docs: 加个空格 --------- Co-authored-by: JuZe <[email protected]> * fix: 修复树状角头,当有存在icon时,内容与box宽度恰好相等,出现换行 close #2389 (#2390) * fix: 树状角头,当有两个icon时,内容与box宽度恰好相等,出现换行 * fix: 树状角头,当有两个icon时,内容与box宽度恰好相等,出现换行 close:2389 * fix: 树状角头,当有两个icon时,内容与box宽度恰好相等,出现换行 close:2389 * chore: 增加注释 --------- Co-authored-by: JuZe <[email protected]> * fix(interaction): 修复拖动水平滚动条后单元格选中状态被重置 close #2376 (#2380) * fix(layout): 修复在紧凑模式列头宽度未按文本自适应 close #2385 (#2392) * fix(layout): 修复在紧凑模式列头宽度未按文本自适应 close #2385 * chore: 还原配置 * chore: 不按 issue 模版提交自动关闭 (#2393) * docs: 新增自定义明细表单元格 & 自定义 mini 图文档 (#2394) * chore: 🤖 更新 changelog 文件 (#2395) * docs: 更新官网 S2 版本 & 优化文档 (#2397) * docs: 更新官网 S2 版本 & 优化文档 * chore: 移动位置 * fix: 修复趋势分析表自定义列头 tooltip 后错误的使用行头的 tooltip (#2399) * feat: 支持透视表明细表单元格虚线&分割线虚线(#2400) (#2401) * feat: 支持透视表明细表单元格虚线&分割线虚线(#2400) * docs: 修改 * docs: 补充缺失的 fontStyle 和 fontVariant 文档 (#2407) * chore: 🤖 更新 changelog 文件 (#2408) * fix(interaction): 修复行列头圈选后滑出可视范围后, 错误的选择了数值单元格 close #2340 (#2411) * fix(interaction): 修复行列头圈选后滑出可视范围后, 错误的选择了数值单元格 close #2340 * fix: brush selected * fix(copy): 修复刷选复制行列头时, 数值单元格未格式化 & 存在省略号时未复制原始值 (#2410) fix(copy): 修复刷选复制行列头时, 数值单元格未格式化 * fix: 修复交叉模式下 行序号位置不正确&总计行未添加行序号 (#2412) fix: fix row series number position and height bug Co-authored-by: wuding.why <[email protected]> * refactor: 抽取明细表冻结行列逻辑,交叉表冻结首行逻辑复用 (#2415) * refactor: extract freeze public logic * fix: lint error fixed * fix: follow variable naming conventions --------- Co-authored-by: wuding.why <[email protected]> * fix: 修复隐藏列总计时行总计也被隐藏问题 (#2417) * fix: 修复隐藏列总计时行总计也被隐藏了 * fix: add fix bug comment * fix: add test case * fix: optimize test case --------- Co-authored-by: wuding.why <[email protected]> * chore: update dumi-theme-antv 0.4.0 (#2422) * chore: update dumi-theme-antv 0.4.0 * chore: update dumi-theme-antv 0.4.0 * docs: buttons unify and image position (#2425) * docs: image position change (#2426) * docs: 更新官网主题 (#2427) * docs: 更新官网主题 * chore: update reviewer * docs: 更新官网新闻公告 (#2428) * ci: 部分 GitHub Action CI 脚本升级 (#2434) * fix: 修复维度缺失部分维值时, 行维值以及对应的数值展示错误 (#2436) * fix: 修复缺失维度所生成的 query 多了 empty extra value 字段 (#2444) * fix: 修复中英文标点符号 (#2442) * fix: 修复中英文标点符号 * test: 单测修复 * chore: 🤖 更新 changelog 文件 (#2445) * feat: 交叉表支持冻结首行能力 (#2416) * feat: 交叉表支持冻结首行 * feat: 调整冻结实现逻辑 & CR遗留问题 & 行头部分重构实现 * fix: 修复 CR 系列反馈的问题 * fix: 修复二轮 CR 反馈的问题 --------- Co-authored-by: wuding.why <[email protected]> * docs: 润色文档细节 & 修复一些错误的文档示例地址 (#2448) * fix(interaction): 修复数值单元格取消选中 & 点击空白处取消选中时没触发 GLOBAL_SELECTED 事件 (#2449) * fix(interaction): 修复数值单元格取消选中 & 点击空白处取消选中时没触发 GLOBAL_SELECTED 事件 close #2447 * test: 修复单测 * refactor: frozenRowCell 重命名为 rowCell (#2450) * refactor: frozenRowCell 重命名为 rowCell * chore: 类型修改 * fix: 修复行头滚动刷选获取到错误的实例 * fix: 修复透视表数据为空时,行列交叉单元格缺失的问题 (#2452) * fix: 区分 GuiIcon 报错类型 close #2345 (#2451) * fix(table-sheet): 修复明细表排序后开启行列冻结, 冻结行展示错误 close #2388 (#2453) * fix(table-sheet): 修复明细表排序后开启行列冻结, 冻结行展示错误 close #2388 * test: 增加明细表 theme 测试 * test: 修复过滤条件单测 * fix: seriesNumberHeader 不应该使用 custom row cell (#2459) * fix(table-sheet): 修复明细表 tooltip 展示了错误的汇总数据的问题 (#2457) * chore: 🤖 更新 changelog 文件 (#2461) * fix(tooltip): 修复字段描述为英文时展示不全 (#2466) * fix(tooltip): 修复字段描述为英文时展示不全 * test: 删除无用快照 * test: 跳过测试 * fix: 修复多列文本单元格 hover 时报错 (#2472) * feat: 在自动发布前, 自动注入新版本到打包代码中 (#2477) * fix: 修复初始化渲染未完成时headNode NPE问题 (#2479) fix: 修复初始化渲染时headNode NPE问题 Co-authored-by: wuding.why <[email protected]> * feat(perf): 优化 dataset 数据结构转化,以及交互过程中 layout性能 (#2476) * fix: 修复行头字段为空字符串时, getDimensionValues 获取数据错误的问题 (#2482) * chore: 🤖 更新 changelog 文件 (#2481) Co-authored-by: Wenjun Xu <[email protected]> * WIP * chore: 合并单测和文档 * chore: 解决冲突 * chore: 解决冲突 * test: 修复测试 * test: 修复测试 * fix: dataset 层面代码合并 * fix: facet 层面代码合并 * fix: 处理 build hierarchy 合并问题 * fix: 处理 frozen 代码问题 * fix: 处理 row cell 冻结时,滚动问题 * fix: 移除多余的冻结宽度计算 * fix: 处理 row cell 冻结单元格 resize area * fix: 处理 table data cell 冻结单元格 resize area * fix: 处理 table data cell 冻结单元格 clip 缺失 * fix: 处理 grid group 线段尺寸问题 * fix: i处理 frozen group shadow * fix: 修复分页时, rowHeader 裁剪问题 * fix: node 增加 isFrozen 属性 * fix: 处理 resize line 偏移问题 * fix: 修复冻结时, grid group 绘制尺寸问题 * test: 单测修复 * test: 总计小计分组单测修复 * test: dataset 单测修复 * test: hideValue 用例修复 * test: 尺寸问题单测修复 * refactor: remove calculateGridRowNodesWidth * fix: 修复 panelScrollGroup children 层级问题 * refactor: rename test file * test: 修复交互测试 * test: 修复交互测试 * fix: 修复 merge cell border 绘制问题 * test: table-data-set 单测修复 * test: sort 单测修复 * test: 修复 table content height 问题 * fix: 修复 panelScrollGroup clip 问题 * fix: 修复 panelScrollGroup clip 问题 * test: 修复导出和隐藏列头测试 * test: 完善导出和复制测试 * test: 更新快照 * test: 修复 pivot frozen row 单测 * test: 修复 custom-cell-style 单测 * test: 修复 corner 单测 * test: 修复 spread-sheet-facet 单测 * test: 修复 issue bugs 单测 * test: 单测修复 * fix: 处理 corner cell icon 位置问题 * refactor: 处理 empty text 代码 * test: 单测修复 * test: 修复列头隐藏单测 * test: 单测修复, row 带序号时 clip 修复 * test: data-cell 单测修复 * test: 修复 table-facet 错误 * fix: 修复紧凑模式下宽度计算错误 * test: 修复列头隐藏单测 * test: 修复滚动相关单测 * test: theme 单测修复 * style: lint fix * test: 修复 pivot-facet 单测 * test: 修复剩余单测 * fix: 修复明细表序号列对齐 * fix: 修复所有类型问题 * test: 修复 s2-react 下所有 单测 * fix: 修复组件层问题 * fix(table-sheet): 修复明细表配置自定义行高后展示异常 close #2501 (#2521) * fix: 增加树状模式自定义宽度的容错 (#2519) --------- Co-authored-by: Jinke Li <[email protected]> Co-authored-by: 刘嘉一 <[email protected]> Co-authored-by: 沫君 <[email protected]> Co-authored-by: stone <[email protected]> Co-authored-by: zishang <[email protected]> Co-authored-by: Tyler Roi <[email protected]> Co-authored-by: Bran <[email protected]> Co-authored-by: 卿珂 <[email protected]> Co-authored-by: 沫君 <[email protected]> Co-authored-by: serializedowen <[email protected]> Co-authored-by: owen.wjh <[email protected]> Co-authored-by: Hemisu <[email protected]> Co-authored-by: hekunyu <[email protected]> Co-authored-by: LUUUAN <[email protected]> Co-authored-by: 晓峦 <[email protected]> Co-authored-by: huiyu.zjt <[email protected]> Co-authored-by: huiyu.zjt <[email protected]> Co-authored-by: NoobNot <[email protected]> Co-authored-by: JuZe <[email protected]> Co-authored-by: Aimer <[email protected]> Co-authored-by: wuhaiyang <[email protected]> Co-authored-by: wuding.why <[email protected]> Co-authored-by: Frank William <[email protected]>
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