For any squadron in the game Elite Dangerous that supports a minor faction, keeping up to date with the background simulation (BGS) is an arduous task. For example, player activity and BGS randomness can reduce or increase influence. These influence changes can cause conflicts, expansions or retreats.
Trawling through each system on websites like Inara or Elite BGS is time-consuming and error-prone. Not monitoring these websites or routinely visiting every system could mean missing a retreating minor faction or an unintended expansion into an ally's star system.
This Discord bot aims to fix that. It receives BGS data from the Elite Dangerous Data Network (EDDN) and creates a list of suggestions based on an admin-specified minor faction(s) to support and star system-specific goals. Unlike the websites mentioned above, this allows the bot to produce specific and valuable recommendations.
This Discord bot is intended to supplement squadron officers or existing tools like those mentioned above. For example, it will not give graphs of influence history like Inara or Elite BGS. However, automating much of the work can save time and increase accuracy.
This Discord bot can send alerts to a Discord channel when unknown carriers jump into a star system where their supported minor faction is present. This may indicate when others are working against you.
Suggested BGS work includes explanations to help players understand relevant in-game actions. The example below is shown as markdown to prevent Github auto-formatting the output differently to Discord.
The format is a work in progress so this may be outdated. The format aims to clearly communicate what needs to be done to an average player based on the most recent data received from EDDN, the supported minor faction and any goals.
A (fictional) example of supporting the Anti Xeno Initiative, who is active in a few systems in the Pleiades, is given below. They are fighting in two wars and also helping Operation Ida in Merope.
***Pro-Anti Xeno Initiative** support required* - Work for *Anti Xeno Initiative* in these systems.
E.g. Missions/PAX, cartographic data, bounties, and profitable trade to *Anti Xeno Initiative* controlled stations.
- Asterope - 5%
- Maia - 10%
- Celaeno - 20%
***Anti-Anti Xeno Initiative** support required* - Work ONLY for the other factions in the listed systems to bring *Anti Xeno Initiative*'s INF back to manageable levels and to avoid an unwanted expansion.
- Merope - 70%
- Atlas - 65%
***Pro-Non-Native/Coalition Faction** support required* - Work for ONLY the listed factions in the listed systems to avoid a retreat or to disrupt system interference.
- *Operation Ida* in Merope - 4%
**War Systems**
- Electra - Fight for *Anti Xeno Initiative* against *The Ant Hill Mob* - 1 vs 3 (*Defeat*)
- Pleione - Fight for *Anti Xeno Initiative* against *The Ant Hill Mob* - 2 vs 1 (*Close Victory*)
**Election Systems**
- Setup instructions to setup the bot in your Discord server.
- Concepts and Tasks for foundational concepts and common use cases.
- Security for details about access control and auditing.
- Command Reference about the commands available.
See Development.
See LICENSE for the license (GPL v3).