Social app where programmers can share code with, and console their fellow programmers.
As a user...
- I would like to sign up with email and password.
- I would like to sign in with email and password.
- I would like to be able to change my password.
- I would like to sign out.
- I would like to add a post to my wall.
- I would like to update a post on my wall.
- I would like to delete a post on my wall.
- I would like to see all my posts.
- I would like to allow other users to view my posts.
- I would like to view a list of other users and their feed.
- React framework
- Express API framework
- MongoDB
- Mongoose
- Git, GitHub
- Heroku platform
- MongoDB platform
- Bootstrap
- JavaScript, JSX, HTML, CSS
- SaSS
- Node.js
- Axios
- Npm