Make sure you have Ansible installed on the machine from which you'll run the playbook.
Create an Ansible inventory file (e.g., inventory.ini). The inventory file defines the hosts on which you want to install Node Exporter. For each host, specify the SSH user and IP address. If you have
multiple hosts, list them under different groups.
[nodes] your_target_host ansible_ssh_user=your_ssh_user ansible_ssh_host=your_target_ip
- name: Install Prometheus Node Exporter
hosts: nodes
become: yes
- Node_exporter_role
1 Download Node Exporter binary from the specified URL.
2 Extract the downloaded binary to /usr/local/bin.
3 Create a system user called node_exporter with the /bin/false shell.
4 Set ownership of the Node Exporter binary to the node_exporter user and group.
5 Copy the systemd service template to the /etc/systemd/system directory.
6 Notify the systemd handler to reload systemd configuration after copying the service file.
7 Enable and start the Node Exporter systemd service.