cdp4j is a web-automation library for Java. It can be used for automating the use of web pages and for testing web pages. It use Google Chrome DevTools Protocol to automate Chrome/Chromium based browsers.
- Supports full capabilities of the Chrome DevTools Protocol (tip-of-tree)
- Evaluate JavaScript
- Invoke JavaScript function
- Supports native CSS selector engine
- Supports XPath queries
- Incognito Browsing (private tab)
- Full page screen capture
- Trigger Mouse events (click etc...)
- Send keys (text, tab, enter etc...)
- Redirect log entries (javascript, network, storage etc...) from browser to slf4j
- Intercept Network (request & response)
- Upload file programmatically without third party solutions (does not requires AWT Robot etc...)
- get & set Element properties
- Supports Headless Chrome/Chromium
- Navigate back, forward, stop, reload
- clear cache, clear cookies, list cookies
- set & get values of form elements
- Supports event handling
Oracle/OpenJDK & GraalVM.
Note: We only support LTS versions (8 & 11).
Both the JRE and the JDK are suitable for use with this library.
This library is suitable for use in production systems.
cdp4j has been tested under Windows 10 and Ubuntu, but should work on any platform where a Java & Chrome/Chromium available.
cdp4j can be run in "headless" mode using with Options.headless(boolean)
sudo apt-get install libxss1 libappindicator1 libappindicator3-1 libindicator7
sudo dpkg -i google-chrome*.deb # Might show "errors", fixed by next line
sudo apt-get install -f
sudo yum install google-chrome-stable_current_*.rpm
slf4j 1.x, log4j 1.x and custom Console logger is supported.
- Avoid external dependencies as much as possible.
- Support only Chrome/Chromium based browsers.
- Supports full capabilities of the Chrome DevTools Protocol.
- Keep the API simple.
- Support GraalVM.
cdp4j is regularly built and tested on Windows 10 and Ubuntu.
Please report your bugs and new features by e-mail ([email protected]). github issues is only used by cdp4j developers.