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Data Structure Lab Practicals

Welcome to the repository containing code implementations for Data Structure lab practicals. This repository includes solutions for various experiments covering topics such as arrays, stacks, queues, linked lists, searching and sorting, trees, graphs, and hashing concepts.

List of Experiments

Sr. No. Experiment Description
1 Array ADT Operations on 2D Arrays
Display array in row major
Display array in column major
Finding the transpose
Matrix addition
Matrix multiplication
2 Stack ADT
a) Program to PUSH items in two stacks and compare their contents
b) Program to check the nesting validity of parentheses
3 Queue ADT
a) Operations on a circular queue with given FRONT, REAR, and size
b) Program to implement an analogue clock using a circular queue
4 Linked List ADT
a) Construction of singly linked lists and deletion based on student ID
b) Solution of Josephus' problem using a circular linked list
5 Searching and Sorting
a) Search a book by Book ID or Book Cost in the book store database
b) Sorting array of floating point numbers using Insertion, Shell, Quick, and Merge Sort
c) Display top five scores
6 Tree ADT
a) Binary search tree (BST) with menu-driven traversal options
b) Identification of common members in hierarchical trees
7 Graph ADT
a) Generation of a graph for various locations and finding the shortest path
b) Finding the shortest path (with cost, time, and distance) between source and destination cities
8 Hashing Concepts
a) Designing a system for storing employee records using phone numbers
b) Operations: Insert, Search, and Delete using Hashing concepts
c) Telephone book database lookup using a hash table implementation

How to Use

Each experiment is organized in its own directory with clear instructions and comments in the code. Follow the instructions in each experiment's README for execution and understanding.

Feel free to explore and learn from the implementations. If you have any questions or suggestions, don't hesitate to reach out!

Happy coding!


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