This is a post processing BASH / Shell script designed for use with Tvheadend ( to scan for commercials, transcode to H264 & cut commercials from the H264 file. The script also uses the xmltv output of mc2xml to name recordings for Plex/Kodi(XBMC) to scrape properly.
The Post Processing Code in the Tvheadend configuration should be as follows:
/path/to/script/ %f %b %c %C %t %d %e %S %E
Below is a description from Tvheadend of the output variables and their mappings in the script.
- $1 Full path to recording (%f) /home/user/Videos/News.mkv
- $2 Basename of recording (%b) News.mkv
- $3 Channel name (%c) BBC world
- $4 Who created this recording (%C) user
- $5 Program title (%t) News
- $6 Program description (%d) News and stories...
- $7 Error message (%e) Aborted by user
- $8 Start time stamp of recording, UNIX epoch (%S)
- $9 Stop time stamp of recording, UNIX epoch (%E)
This scripts was designed on Ubuntu Server 14.04 and requires the following installed:
- Comskip Linux port from here:
- HandBrake CLI
- xmllint (libxml2)
- perl
- mencoder
- ffmpeg
- mc2xml setup with TVHeadend as instructed here (