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andreav edited this page Sep 3, 2012 · 17 revisions


Welcome to git4f wiki -- git fast forward or fast flow!

git4f let you manage most common develop and integartion workflows with few aliases:

* git intbr <my integration br>
* git ftrbr-start <my topic br name>
* git ftrbr-integrate
* git ftrbr-integrate-rebase
* git ftrbr-push
* git ftrbr-push-rebase
* git ftrbr-update-merge
* git ftrbr-update-rebase

The most frequent usage is:

git clone my-repo && cd my-repo
git intbr master
git ftrbr-start
... edit ...commmit ...edit ...commit ...
git ftrbr-push


Please, discover other workflows at Workflows,

Integartion branch is the branch from which to start any feature branch

  • git intbr master -> will set it

  • git intbr -> will get it

  • git chk-intbr -> shortcut to switch on it

feature branches are our beloved topic branches

* git ftrbr-start

  1. checkout integration branch

  2. pull integration branch so that feature branches will always start from integration branch HEAD

  3. creates the topic branch

    config opt: 4f.ftrbr-prefix can be provided to prefix branch names (i.e. for prepending "ftr/")

* git ftrbr-push

  1. checkout integration branch

  2. pull integration branch so that feature branches will always be merged on top of integration branch HEAD

  3. Merges topic branch onto integration branch

    config opt : 4f.ftrbr-push-merge-opt can be provided to add merge options with this operation (i.e. --no-ff)

  4. Pushes integration branch new HEAD back to origin

Please, discover other workflows at Workflows