Monitor book prices for some italian, english, and german online bookshops.
We recommend using the provided environment environment.yml
to set up a Python environment using mamba environment with the necessary dependencies.
Once the environment is installed, one need to activate it before using it (i.e., before running python scripts and notebooks).
This is done via
mamba activate monitor
Run the following command to install the package (after having activated the environment):
pip install .
To scrape osiander we use Selenium WebDriver. To use it correctly, we need the web browser engine GeckoDriver. We summarize here the steps to install GeckoDriver:
- Download the latest release of GeckoDriver from here.
- Extract the tarball with
tar -xvzf geckodriver*
. - Make it executable with
chmod +x geckodriver
. - Move the executable into a folder in PATH. Examples are:
mv geckodriver <path_to_conda_environment>/bin
if you have a conda/mamba environment setup.sudo mv geckodriver /usr/local/bin
(su priviliges needed)
pip install -e .
pip install .[pre-commit,testing] # install extra dependencies. For zsh use .'[pre-commit,testing]'
pre-commit install # install pre-commit hooks
pytest -v # discover and run all tests