- Our program aims to make talking about mental health a day-to-day topic, negating the stigma associated with it. It aims to be as readily accessible in assessing mental health through mobile apps as are pregnancy sticks for pregnancy.
- We start by taking input from the user in the form of answers to a standardised, reliable depression test (The Goldberg Test) and conveying to the user the severity of their depression.
- Based on the result of the test (6 categories), the program will suggest some steps, a sort of Mental First Aid, for some immediate relief.
- The current suggestions include :
- Scientifically designed music, 'Weightless' by Marconi Union, to reduce blood pressure, heart rate, etc. accesible from inside the app.
- Doable exercises, for endorphin release, through graphic instructions.
- For higher severities, we refer them to sites like 7cups, which offer both free and paid therapy, and/or to go for professional therapy.
- We plan to give every user an account. A dashboard in their profile will indicate their mental state based on statistical analysis of his recent to previous test scores.
- In his profile, we will take many inputs. By asking for their locality, a locality database hence created by us will be used to give to professional therapists to conduct seminars, workshops in these areas and a commission for us from the patients that join them through these. This helps everyone including us, the doctor, and the patient.
- A separate section of the app will be developed for different age groups of females, so that they can:
- Adult women can report harassment, abuse, domestic violence, rape, etc.
- Teenage girls can report harassment, eve-teasing (with locality so that other girls be prepared with mace, pepper spray, friends in those areas), molestation, rape, etc.
- Similar separate sections for Soldiers (PTSD), those who have lost any relative recently, people with terminal illness, etc. Using a paid version of the app, these people can connect amongst themselves for self-help groups, inter-patient therapy, support groups, etc.
- A page with all mental-health helplines at one place, with calling a button away. Business helplines would need to give commision for each call recieved through the app.