hipSPARSE is a SPARSE marshalling library with multiple supported backends. It sits between your application and a 'worker' SPARSE library, where it marshals inputs to the backend library and marshals results to your application. hipSPARSE exports an interface that doesn't require the client to change, regardless of the chosen backend. Currently, hipSPARSE supports rocSPARSE and cuSPARSE backends.
Documentation for hipSPARSE is available at https://rocm.docs.amd.com/projects/hipSPARSE/en/latest/.
To build our documentation locally, run the following code:
cd docs
pip3 install -r sphinx/requirements.txt
python3 -m sphinx -T -E -b html -d _build/doctrees -D language=en . _build/html
Alternatively, build with CMake:
cmake -DBUILD_DOCS=ON ...
Download pre-built packages from ROCm's package servers using the following code:
`sudo apt update && sudo apt install hipsparse`
To build hipSPARSE, you can use our bash helper script (for Ubuntu only) or you can perform a manual build (for all supported platforms).
Bash helper script (
): This script, which is located in the root of this repository, builds and installs hipSPARSE on Ubuntu with a single command. Note that this option doesn't allow much customization and hard-codes configurations that can be specified through invoking CMake directly. Some commands in the script require sudo access, so it may prompt you for a password.`./install -h` # shows help `./install -id` # builds library, dependencies, then installs (the `-d` flag only needs to be passed once on a system)
Manual build: If you use a distribution other than Ubuntu, or would like more control over the build process, the hipSPARSE build wiki provides information on how to configure CMake and build hipSPARSE manually.
You can find a list of exported functions on our wiki.
The hipSPARSE interface is compatible with rocSPARSE and cuSPARSE-v2 APIs. Porting a CUDA application that calls the cuSPARSE API to an application that calls the hipSPARSE API is relatively straightforward. For example, the hipSPARSE SCSRMV interface is:
hipsparseScsrmv(hipsparseHandle_t handle,
hipsparseOperation_t transA,
int m, int n, int nnz, const float *alpha,
const hipsparseMatDescr_t descrA,
const float *csrValA,
const int *csrRowPtrA, const int *csrColIndA,
const float *x, const float *beta,
float *y);
hipSPARSE assumes matrix A and vectors x, y are allocated in GPU memory space filled with data. Users are responsible for copying data to and from the host and device memory.