Web Portal:
Fixed Javascript(s)
Changed Menu Layout
Addition of a Secure Contact Form.
Modified Admin Area and added ability to get quick support.
Other Minor bug fixes.
Minor Bug Fixes
How to update web portal (if already installed): Simply upload the new web portal files replacing the existing ones.
How to update the plugin (if already installed): Simply upload the new DonatorExpress.jar onto your server.
Previous Change log(s)
Version 1.6.4 Addition and support of two more Pre-loaded Web Portal Themes, and Added the ability to purge unconfirmed users in Admin Panel. Note: DonatorExpress.jar has not been modified in this version.
Version 1.6.3 fixes a bug where if the user had an uppercase letter in their name, it wouldn't let them buy any packages, or do anything related to DonatorExpress really. There is no change to the webportal.
Version 1.6.2 fixes a bug where if a user logs out and there is no userdata for that specific user, the console will output an error. This is a minor issue and doesn't effect the functionality of DonatorExpress, its just really annoying. There is no change to the webportal.
The change log for version 1.6 is listed below for reference
Note that the 1.6 update requires you to delete your config.yml and there is a webportal update as well (assuming have not upgraded from 1.5 yet).