A task tracker app / table made for the terminal using Python
- main.py = main program (contains cmd arguments handling, output etc)
- model.py = class containing the tasks definition
- database.py = contains all database functions
sqlite3 typer rich datetime
git clone https://github.com/amaan784/Task-Tracker-Terminal.git
cd task_tracker
The table will get displayed after each command
python main.py display
python main.py add "task" "category"
python .\main.py complete <position>
python .\main.py delete <position>
python .\main.py update <position> --task "task"
python .\main.py update <position> --category "category"
python .\main.py update <position> --task "task" --category "category"
- implement "indepth display" function which will display the the date_added and date_completed attributes
- implement "mark as not complete" function
- implement "delete database" function
- implement "notes" attribute for every task
- implement edge cases like "user giving index which does not exist"
- create a virtual environmet or environment where there wont be the need to write "python .\main.py" again and again