This project is built using Java, Spring Boot and the Jackson library.
This project is a command line application that searches for data on the OMDB API and returns information about the series.
- The application must be able to display the menu and interact with the user in a command line, allowing them to type the name of the series they want to search for.
- The application must be able to search for the complete data for each series, displaying by name, the total number of seasons and the respective rating for each series.
- The application must be able to display the episodes by name, rating and release date corresponding to each season.
- The application must be able to show a general list of all episodes of each series.
- The application must be able to list the episodes grouped and sorted by name, episode number, rating and release date for each season.
- The application must be able to collect and display the ratings of each season for the chosen series.
- The application must be able to display information about the average, the ratings for the best and worst episode, and the number of episodes of each chosen series.
- Clone the repository:
git clone
- Install dependencies with Maven
- Launch the application by clicking 'Run ScreenmatchApplication' button or pressing 'Shift+F10' on Intellij IDEA, or just clicking 'Run Code' button or by pressing 'Ctrl+F5' in Visual Studio Code.
- The app will be accessible at the command line via terminal.