This application is developed using Ruby on Rails and their versions are defined as follows:
Rails 4.2.6 Ruby 2.3.3
The Application Dictionary-master is developed for the purpose of finding English words from an entered string of characters. It is a single-page web application which is implemented using AJAX request to provide support for reflecting real-time changes.
The english words dictionary used can be downloaded on GitHub
The Application provides support for two optional parameters:
Length of desired English word
Query method for defining length (less than, less than or equal to, equal to)
For Database management PostgreSQL is used. The gem used to implement it is pg. Their versions are as follows:
PostgreSQL 9.5 pg 0.20.0
Clone the repo:
git clone
Navigate to the new directory and install all required Gems
bundle install
Create and migrate the database
rake db:create rake db:migrate
(NOTE: Application uses PostgreSQL database so it should be setup first.)
Initialise the database with English words using update_dictionary task
rake update_dictionary:update
Sample input1:
Query String : dgo String Length : 3 Query Method : Equal to
Sample output1:
Query Results are: god dog
Sample input2:
Query String : gdof String Length : 3 Query Method : Equal to
Sample output2:
Query Results are: god dog fog