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Debug View iOS

The Debug Package lets you easily add values meant for debugging purposes and showing them anywhere in your app.

Getting Started

DebugController is used to add and store values meant for debugging purposes and DebugScreen (SwiftUI) or if you are using UIKit based apps, just wrap it in a UIHostingController, is used for displaying them.

Creating Items


To create static or dynamic values (either String or your own Type which conforms to CustomDebugStringConvertible or CustomStringConvertible), use either of the initializers of the DebugValue struct.

Static Values

    id: "staticValue",
    label: "Static Value",
    staticValue: "Your static value"

Static values are evaluated when the DebugValue is instantiated.

Dynamic Values

    id: "dynamicValueAutoClosure",
    label: "Dynamic Value Auto Closure",
    value: String(Int.random(in: 1 ... 6))


    id: "dynamicValueClosure",
    label: "Dynamic Value Closure",
    value: {
        String(Int.random(in: 1 ... 6))

Dynamic values are wrapped in a closure with @autoclosure or your own closure, and evaluated when the DebugScreen is shown. Every time the DebugScreen is shown again, values are re-evaluated.


To create buttons which perform a custom action, use the DebugButton struct.

    id: "button",
    label: "The button label",
    action: {
        // your custom action


Make sure that your DebugValue or DebugButtons ids are unique, as they are used for diffing and identifying the item.


Items are grouped by sections, making the information easier to read. Items are added to sections when inserting them into the DebugController.

    id: "app",
    label: "App"

Make sure that your ids are unique, as they are used for diffing and identifying the section.

Adding Items

Add items to the DebugController by calling either of these functions:

  • addButton(_ button: DebugButton, toSection section: DebugSection)
  • addValue(_ value: DebugValue, toSection section: DebugSection)
  • Adding item with the same id twice will override the item in the DebugControllers store.
  • Only items added with any of the above-mentioned methods are shown in the DebugScreen.
  • Sections and Values are ordered by time of insert. This means they will appear in the order they were added to the DebugController.

Showing the Debug Screen

For SwiftUI based apps:

    controller: debugController,
    appearance: debugAppearance

For UIKit based apps, wrap the DebugScreen in a UIHostingController.

Debug Screen Appearance

The DebugScreens appearance can be configured via the DebugScreenAppearance struct.

DebugScreenAppearance(tintColor: .red)


The following DebugValues exist by default:

public extension DebugValue {
    static let appVersion = DebugValue(
        id: "appVersion",
        label: "Version",
        value: Bundle.main.infoDictionary?["CFBundleShortVersionString"] as? String
    static let appBuildNumber = DebugValue(
        id: "appBuildNumber",
        label: "Build Number",
        value: Bundle.main.infoDictionary?["CFBundleVersion"] as? String
    static let appBundleId = DebugValue(
        id: "bundleId",
        label: "Bundle Identifier",
        value: Bundle.main.bundleIdentifier
    static let userLocale = DebugValue(
        id: "locale",
        label: "Locale",
        value: Locale.autoupdatingCurrent.identifier
    static let deviceOSVersion = DebugValue(
        id: "deviceOSVersion",
        label: "OS Version",
        value: "\(UIDevice.current.systemName) \(UIDevice.current.systemVersion)"
    static let deviceOSModel = DebugValue(
        id: "deviceOSModel",
        label: "Model",
        value: UIDevice.current.model
    static let pushNotificationsRegistered = DebugValue(
        id: "pushNotificationsRegistered",
        label: "Push Notifications registered",
        value: UIApplication.shared.isRegisteredForRemoteNotifications

The following DebugSections exist by default:

public extension DebugSection {
    static let app = DebugSection(id: "app", label: "App")
    static let user = DebugSection(id: "user", label: "User")
    static let device = DebugSection(id: "device", label: "Device")
    static let pushNotifications = DebugSection(id: "pushNotifications", label: "Push Notifications")


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