ROS node that performs real-time teleoperation of turtlebot3 waffle_pi. Wheels, arm and gripper can be controlled in parallel and respond directly to inputs.
The arm is controlled by moving a reference point for the end effector based on control inputs, and then using the moveit package for performing inverse kinematics at every change. The joint states are sent directly to the control system on the turtlebot.
Currently requires multiple ROS nodes to be run prior. Start by running:
on the remote computer. Then run the following command on the turtlebot:
roslaunch turtlebot3_bringup turtlebot3_robot.launch
Then launch the following two launch files on the remote computer:
roslaunch turtlebot3_manipulation_bringup turtlebot3_manipulation_bringup.launch
roslaunch isar_turtlebot_moveit_config move_group.launch
The final move_group launch file is from isar-turtlebot.
Then run the teleoperation node:
rosrun turtlebot_teleoperation
: Wheel velocitiesIJKL
: Move reference of arm end effector in the horizontal planeUO
: Move reference of arm end effector along the vertical axis,.
: Close and open the gripperh
: Reset to home positionp
: Pick up objectv
: Place down objectt
: Throw held objectSHIFT
: Detect object and move to positionENTER
: Deactivate teleoperation
Uses the package pynput
to handle keyboard inputs. Can be installed with pip
: Wheel velocitiesRight-stick
Move reference of arm end effector in the horizontal planeTriggers
: Move reference of arm end effector along the vertical axisBumpers
: Close and open the gripperY
: Reset to home positionB
: Pick up objectX
: Place down objectView
: Throw held objectA
: Detect object and move to positionMenu
: Deactivate teleoperation
Xbox controller requires the ROS node joy/joy_node to be run:
rosrun joy joy_node